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Historic offenses!!

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I can remember getting a write slapping about from the coppers when I was a lad more than once, I can still remember the name of one of the coppers, hes probably dead and gone now though,don't get me wrong I know I was a bad lad when I was younger, bet Id have a right case for compensation nowadays.I do agree with donutthe coppers were bad in the past they would think nothing of giving you a good kicking,

DANOT!... It's "DANOT":loopy:;)

Edited by danot
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The thing that explains why 70's celebs are being reeled in for sex offences is that most people these days think victims should have a voice and that we shouldn't let sex offenders get away with it.


By today's attitudes towards rape you mean?

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By today's attitudes towards rape you mean?


I meant what I wrote. Most right thinking people these regard rape and other forms of sexual abuse as abhorrent and rightly believe that victim's voices should be heard and that claims of rape and assault should be investigated even if they happened a long time ago.

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It's danot actually, all in lower case. It always amuses me when people fail to capitalise their usernames.


I was expressing my frustration by intentionally using capital letters "halibut". See what I did there??

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I meant what I wrote. Most right thinking people these regard rape and other forms of sexual abuse as abhorrent and rightly believe that victim's voices should be heard and that claims of rape and assault should be investigated even if they happened a long time ago.


Agreed. But if society made light of rape and sexual assault back then, then it's citizens would also wouldn't they? So in your opinion, what caused 70's society to make light of rape and sexual assault?

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Agreed. But if society made light of rape and sexual assault back then, then it's citizens would also wouldn't they? So in your opinion, what caused 70's society to make light of rape and sexual assault?


Feminism was still a relatively minor force. Men thought they ruled the world, (mostly actually did) and behaved as such.


Things have moved on a bit since then.

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Why don't you put some complaints in and see what happens? That would keep you busy and spare us any more of your nonsense.


Whilst you have the green biro out, why not complain about Mystic Meg. Remember that time that she failed to conjure up that promised tall, dark stranger for you?


So because the sit-com writers of the 70's weren't to know how attitudes in society might change forty years on it's okay?


That'd explain why the celebs of the 70's are being reeled in like fish for Committing sex offenses.


Is there a prize for spotting how your reply relates to my post?

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