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Eco friendly..is this important to you?

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Im after genuine opinions please.

I only use eco friendly cleaning solutions in my business which appeals to many BUT

Id like to know if as a customer do you actually care? OR dont you mind whats used as long as the results are good?

(Carpet Cleaning by the way)

Thanks alot

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I would care, but guess that is because I have made a point of trying to use eco-friendly, cruelty-free products for a number of years.

People are either bothered about using eco-friendly stuff and already use it, or they're not, or don't think about it. With this in mind, if you carry on using eco products, you will appeal to the maximum number of consumers, as long as the results are as good and the prices about the same, compared to non-eco products. Eco-products are generally considered to be better for our health too, so you could stress that angle as an added bonus. I can't see why anyone would not want eco-products compared to non-eco, if price and results were comparable, whatever their views on 'saving the planet'.

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Personally, I'm pretty sceptical of eco products. On the whole I think it's a bit of a marketing ploy so generally I'm not prepared to pay more for it.


Some of the things that are marketed as natural or eco, particularly cleaning products aren't necessarily much different or any safer than the manufactured alternatives.

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