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Right to refuse cancer treatment.

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What do the parents think? I'd say if there is a decent chance of recovery they should go for it. Teenagers don't make great decisions at the best of times - and then they change their minds anyway. Remember this one http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2019241/Hannah-Jones-16-refused-lifesaving-heart-transplant-tells-U-turn.html


Sadly cancer doesn't give you time to mess about.

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In this case, probably not. Especially as the 17 year olds mother supports her wishes. Do we know whether the prognosis is positive if she has the chemo? That might justify the intervention, but it is a delicate issue.


Article doesn't say, and really it's the most important part of the whole argument.

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In this case, probably not. Especially as the 17 year olds mother supports her wishes. Do we know whether the prognosis is positive if she has the chemo? That might justify the intervention, but it is a delicate issue.


Hodgkins is one of the "better" cancers to have as the survival rate is high, especially with chemo. Being young also helps considerably - the ten year survival rate is well over 80%

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Being in America, you've also got to think about the cost of the treatment, especially if their insurance doesn't cover it.


Not that you can put a price on life. Although you kind of have to when you don't get free health care.

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Being in America, you've also got to think about the cost of the treatment, especially if their insurance doesn't cover it.


Not that you can put a price on life. Although you kind of have to when you don't get free health care.


God bless the NHS. I know its overstretched, but its the one thing that is classless. My heart goes out to this young lady and her family, but you are so right when you talk about cost of healthcare in the US.

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