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Abu Hamza sentenced to Life Imprisonment in USA

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I just think of the starving people of the world with no food and shelter, and think to myself, why does Hamza deserve more than they have.


Aye, a good point to make. We look after the evil and let the innocent suffer. :huh:




But would the starving really eat him? I suppose it's worth a try.

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But would the starving really eat him? I suppose it's worth a try.


Have you see what they eat in the jungle, fried Hamza or Witchetty grub, its an hard choice but the fired Hamza will feed more people.


Alternatively he would make a nice meal for a pack of wolfs.

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Has he been sent down for hate preaching? If yes how come amstrawberryjam choudhary is still breathing the free air that we all share?


This is what he had to say about the Charlie Hebdo attack.


"Contrary to popular misconception, Islam does not mean peace but rather means submission to the commands of Allah alone. Therefore, Muslims do not believe in the concept of freedom of expression, as their speech and actions are determined by divine revelation and not based on people's desires."


"Although Muslims may not agree about the idea of freedom of expression, even non-Muslims who espouse it say it comes with responsibilities. In an increasingly unstable and insecure world, the potential consequences of insulting the Messenger Muhammad are known to Muslims and non-Muslims alike."

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This is what he had to say about the Charlie Hebdo attack.


"Contrary to popular misconception, Islam does not mean peace but rather means submission to the commands of Allah alone. Therefore, Muslims do not believe in the concept of freedom of expression, as their speech and actions are determined by divine revelation and not based on people's desires."


"Although Muslims may not agree about the idea of freedom of expression, even non-Muslims who espouse it say it comes with responsibilities. In an increasingly unstable and insecure world, the potential consequences of insulting the Messenger Muhammad are known to Muslims and non-Muslims alike."




Yeah , whatever choudray . :loopy::loopy:

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He's that, but he's not just that. He is different from someone in a state psychiatric hospital or a state residential care home, isn't he?


I suppose you would have him executed, would you?

In a New York minute, or even less. Only keep the voltage down to 115 AC for a while. Edited by buck
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It begs the question as to why he was never prosecuted here, why the need for US justice to prevail?


Apparently it was against HIS human rights!


---------- Post added 12-01-2015 at 20:16 ----------


Back to Hamza, I hope he lives to be at least 120 years old, and he never gets to leave his tiny prison cell. What a result that would be.


To make Hamza's day, maybe we could deport ALL his dependants to some backward looking Country that thinks Hamza is been hard done by.




Aren't they all already here? Remember it was the stupid laws in this country that delayed it all in the first place.


Do us all a favour Human rights lawyers in the UK board a plane and go and have a chat with Boko Harem

Edited by Norseman
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