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Private Company pulls out of NHS contract

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A company which became the first private firm to manage an NHS hospital says it wants to "withdraw from its contract".


Yet another example of a private company making money from the taxpayer only to turn tail and run away when the going gets tough. Happy to reap any profits, but equally happy to drop the ball and let the taxpayer bail them out afterwards.


The private sector should have no place in the NHS....their desire for profit will always lead to a drain of money from the public sector to the private hedge fund.

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Its the same with local council run services. In my line of work, private minibuses tender for work, they are cheap, so they often get contracts. But then when it comes down to the service that they give, they are really poor. And the council bods in charge of them are run rings around.

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A company which became the first private firm to manage an NHS hospital says it wants to "withdraw from its contract".


Yet another example of a private company making money from the taxpayer only to turn tail and run away when the going gets tough. Happy to reap any profits, but equally happy to drop the ball and let the taxpayer bail them out afterwards.


The private sector should have no place in the NHS....their desire for profit will always lead to a drain of money from the public sector to the private hedge fund.


Agreed. The Nhs needs investment (and reforming but that's another thread) but it should all be done out of the public - possibly with the exception of catering (which I know is awful but it always was) and logistics. PLCs owning and running hospitals shouldn't happen.

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Agreed. The Nhs needs investment (and reforming but that's another thread) but it should all be done out of the public - possibly with the exception of catering (which I know is awful but it always was) and logistics. PLCs owning and running hospitals shouldn't happen.


Logistics of the NHS has been outsourced since 2006


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The private sector should have no place in the NHS....their desire for profit will always lead to a drain of money from the public sector to the private hedge fund.


The NHS could not function without the private sector, juch about everything they use from drugs to paper is a product of the private sector.

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I've been reading a little more about why Circle, the company in charge of the private hospital pulled out.

Their decision followed a damning report by the CQC in which it was scathing about the hospital's poor record over patient safety, poor care towards patients, and poor leadership. It is the first time the watchdog has found a hospital trust to be inadequate in how it cares for patients. Circle were brought in as a solution to the 'problem' of the NHS, and Circle became the problem.

As one sharp eyed commentator put it:

"You wait, it'll be taken back into public hands, cleaned up and turned around, (like East Coast Mainline), and then farmed back out to the Private sector for no reason at all, other than it stimulates the nipples of ideologues."

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