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Please take your fishing line home,


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Could I please ask all you lovely fishermen/women ,

to take care where your fishing line and hooks end up and not leave it behind on the bankside, which Im sure most of you don't, or if you see any please dispose of it, a swan at Ulley had to be rescued yesterday with a very painful swelling, due to fishing line and a hook caught in its leg.


Thankyou very much

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Could I please ask all you lovely fishermen/women ,

to take care where your fishing line and hooks end up and not leave it behind on the bankside, which Im sure most of you don't, or if you see any please dispose of it, a swan at Ulley had to be rescued yesterday with a very painful swelling, due to fishing line and a hook caught in its leg.


Thankyou very much


I am a fisherman and I couldn't agree more.

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That's bad news to hear MARY POPPINS, when things like this are spotted it's good to make folk aware.

If I could just add to that.

My neighbour used to fish Ulley but stopped because of a group of foreign anglers fishing there. He had a word with the warden at Ully who told him the Rotherham council told him not to confront them.

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I think they (the council) were more concerned for the warden than ignoring the anglers, they can hardly expect the warden to police a group of anglers alone.

It's been well publicised how the Police simply inform complainants of poachers they should contact the EA.

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That's bad news to hear MARY POPPINS, when things like this are spotted it's good to make folk aware.

If I could just add to that.

My neighbour used to fish Ulley but stopped because of a group of foreign anglers fishing there. He had a word with the warden at Ully who told him the Rotherham council told him not to confront them.


I don't think it would be safe for one ranger, (which sadly is all there ever is at Ulley if at all) to approach these anglers who seem to think as well they don't need a licence or pay to fish, and think its ok to take the fish to eat and make fires using the fencing, I could go on, but the swans was my main concern.

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I understand your thinking and yes swans in this instance are the main priority.

Have you tried contacting the RSPB or RSPCA I wouldn't hold your breath though, I have contacted them on occasion with no joy.

The only reason I mentioned the poaching was to point out that the vast majority of anglers take care with their terminal tackle (hooks & line)

From what I have heard of poachers at Ully I thought the blame may lay with them.

It's still a good move of yours to point the problem out in the angling section to make anglers aware.

I do hope the swan is OK.


As a PS perhaps if you do contact the RSPB it may help if local TV was also contacted. It may spur the Council or even the Police to eventually get involved.

Edited by Mr Hinks
To add a PS
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I understand your thinking and yes swans in this instance are the main priority.

Have you tried contacting the RSPB or RSPCA I wouldn't hold your breath though, I have contacted them on occasion with no joy.

The only reason I mentioned the poaching was to point out that the vast majority of anglers take care with their terminal tackle (hooks & line)

From what I have heard of poachers at Ully I thought the blame may lay with them.

It's still a good move of yours to point the problem out in the angling section to make anglers aware.

I do hope the swan is OK.


As a PS perhaps if you do contact the RSPB it may help if local TV was also contacted. It may spur the Council or even the Police to eventually get involved.


:clap::thumbsup: Few years back a swan was dragged from the Trent in Newark, killed with bare hands and eaten. It's a good job I wasn't there.

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