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Voting Green - the party for the rich?

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Is anyone interested in taking part in a protest against cheap airline tickets?


The protest will take place this summer on Benidorm beach.


Wave a few placards etc . .


Planning for July


If you book your flights now you can get a good deal


People say "but hang on if your goin. by plane does that mean you support airline travel?"


My response is "no we are there to raise a genuine concern so our reason for flying is legitimate"


I am very interested in this initiative, It is unarguable that due to cheap tickets there are some very unsuitable people travelling abroad. Whilst sunning on the terrace with two of my PAs recently I overheard accents that were distinctly inappropriate, also people with tattoos and t shirts with writing on have been reported although I have not seen them myself.


May I add that we should also campaign about cheap food and drink? It just encourages them. After all what is Blackpool for but to accommodate these people.

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Its like high energy prices people say "but doesn't that mean poorer pensioners will freeze to death?"


- no its more about managing the numbers.


But if your rich you can afford to pay these higher prices


If your poor then you need to


a) become rich

b) wear Warner clothes in the house


Simple choice

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I am very interested in this initiative, It is unarguable that due to cheap tickets there are some very unsuitable people travelling abroad. Whilst sunning on the terrace with two of my PAs recently I overheard accents that were distinctly inappropriate, also people with tattoos and t shirts with writing on have been reported although I have not seen them myself.


May I add that we should also campaign about cheap food and drink? It just encourages them. After all what is Blackpool for but to accommodate these people.


Still trying to convince people that you're some hot shot Xenia? On a thread concerned with authenticity as well :roll:

I've no problem with people trying to point out the discrepancies between the ideals of a political party and its supporters. Anybody can do that to any party, (Louise Mensch tried to at the expense of the Occupy movement on Have I Got News For You, & was humiliated for her poor attempt); and people are going to have to be sharper than the feeble attempts on here!


---------- Post added 13-01-2015 at 14:38 ----------


Its like high energy prices people say "but doesn't that mean poorer pensioners will freeze to death?"


- no its more about managing the numbers.


But if your rich you can afford to pay these higher prices


If your poor then you need to


a) become rich

b) wear Warner clothes in the house


Simple choice


Managing the numbers???

Edited by Mister M
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whether or not you like the greens,

whether or not you think they are rich/middle class/ up their own


the simple truth is so much of what humanity is doing is destroying the planet we live on and if we don't change we and all your children will die.................


so do some more :loopy: at the greens and sit in your little bubble, consuming and breeding and f.... the consequences :)


some chance of change?

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whether or not you like the greens,

whether or not you think they are rich/middle class/ up their own


the simple truth is so much of what humanity is doing is destroying the planet we live on and if we don't change we and all your children will die.................


so do some more :loopy: at the greens and sit in your little bubble, consuming and breeding and f.... the consequences :)


some chance of change?


Unfortunately there are some scroats, who would rather cut their noses off to spite their faces, or die, than contemplate voting anything other than what they have done all their lives. Simply because they might be seen in the same company as someone who eats an avocado.

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While there is no doubt that the Greens are mostly middle class, intelligent, and educated, that doesn't necessarily mean that they are rich. It certainly doesn't mean that they are greedy or selfish.


Bit of inverse snobbery going on I think.

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How do you know?

Anyway Julie Burchill (not someone I'd normally quote) had it right when she said something to the effect of scratching the surface of most greenies, and finding a capitalist heart beating underneath.


I am a member of the Greens, and I'm quite definitely not a capitalist, I'm socialist in my politics.


And I definitely could not be described as being "rich", at least not in material things.


Green voters


- love the idea of mass immigration/multiculturalism but ensure they live in leafy parts of the city


I live in an inner city area, considered,to be quite deprived. (and, if some commentators on this forum are to be believed, it is crime ridden) I know quite a few other green party members live in areas considered, today, to be similarly deprived, such as Burngreave and Broomhall.


I actually like living in this area, and love the multicultural feel.


- they love comprehensive education but ensure there kids get into the good schools by living in posh catchment areas. Or sending them to private schools


I am wholeheartedly pro standards of education being the same high standards whether private or state schooling.

I personally think that all children should have the privilege of a first class education, and the opportunity to go on to higher education, if they desire to do so, and are capable of pursuing it, Not just those who can afford to buy it.


- love environmental projects as long as plenty of money goes into their banks


I want any project to have the least impact, negatively, on the environment. I'm not intested in having obscene amounts of money.


- love the idea of reduced car usage by pricing people off the road.. This means there are less poor people driving cars so less congestion so they can get to anti car protests with getting stuck in traffic jams


I do not drive, nor do I own a car, and I know that all three of the councillors in my ward, who are all greens, commute mainly by bike.


Oh to be a champagne supping lefty


I can't remember how long ago it was since I last had champagne.

i seem to remember it was when i was working behind a bar back in 1984, on new years eve, and the manager brought a glass of champagne round for all the staff, to toast the new year at midnight. So that must have been thirty years ago, and i haven't had it since. Hardly a champagne socialist....

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I do think congestion charges for cars should be introduced.


Its not about stopping poor people from driving


Its more about controlled car usage and managing demand


But I will be honest it would be nice to get rid of a few poorer car owners


I hate traffic jams

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