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Voting Green - the party for the rich?

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The Greens favour a higher minimum wage, healthier lifestyles, might be wishfull thinking, but if the top earners can increase their pay, why cant low earners pay be increased. Whether companies make profits, or not, top directors still get paid massive increases.

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The Greens favour a higher minimum wage, healthier lifestyles, might be wishfull thinking, but if the top earners can increase their pay, why cant low earners pay be increased. Whether companies make profits, or not, top directors still get paid massive increases.


That's a good point - and whilst the right wingers on here love knocking the Greens for being 'champagne socialists' (though why shouldn't they drink champagne) and being hypocritical for loving "environmental projects as long as plenty of money goes into their banks" - the same right wingers never see their own hypocrisies

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I do think congestion charges for cars should be introduced.


Its not about stopping poor people from driving


Its more about controlled car usage and managing demand


But I will be honest it would be nice to get rid of a few poorer car owners


I hate traffic jams


No you will not.....another tedious troll. Every thread a **** take, every post a contrived one.


Ever thought of actually getting a life rather than spending huge amounts of time trolling a local forum, haven't you got a girlfriend? Daft question.

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I have looked at the Green's policies and to be honest they have some good and valid points.

I look at the ten most important things TO ME, look at the different parties and see who offers the most of those ten. Of course if two parties are offering seven each, then it comes down the most important ones for myself.

Sorry Green's but I'll be voting UKIP.



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No you will not.....another tedious troll. Every thread a **** take, every post a contrived one.


Ever thought of actually getting a life rather than spending huge amounts of time trolling a local forum, haven't you got a girlfriend? Daft question.




Leftys are the biggest Hippocrates known to man


At least with the true blue conservatives (1980s type of conservative) they were blatantly honest about the type of person they were


Greeny types love to hurt the weakest often by using money (or lack of money) as a weapon.


They often love to support policies that aid their fellow rich types.


Take education, fees for higher education are great if you have rich parents. The old Grammer system was best for the most gifted.

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No you will not.....another tedious troll. Every thread a **** take, every post a contrived one.


Ever thought of actually getting a life rather than spending huge amounts of time trolling a local forum, haven't you got a girlfriend? Daft question.


You spend far more time on here than he does, and you have done it for 9 years. You post more often than him and with greater frequency.


He may not have had a life (by your definition) for the last month. You have had even less of a life (by your definition) for the last 9 and a bit years.


Do you have a girlfriend?

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Leftys are the biggest Hippocrates known to man


At least with the true blue conservatives (1980s type of conservative) they were blatantly honest about the type of person they were


Greeny types love to hurt the weakest often by using money (or lack of money) as a weapon.


They often love to support policies that aid their fellow rich types.


Take education, fees for higher education are great if you have rich parents. The old Grammer system was best for the most gifted.


I never knew Hippocrates was a large man...

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