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Voting Green - the party for the rich?

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Leftys are the biggest Hippocrates known to man


At least with the true blue conservatives (1980s type of conservative) they were blatantly honest about the type of person they were


Greeny types love to hurt the weakest often by using money (or lack of money) as a weapon.


They often love to support policies that aid their fellow rich types.


Take education, fees for higher education are great if you have rich parents. The old Grammer system was best for the most gifted.



Go on then you tell us what you think the Conservatives are & when they've admitted it.

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Good news! And a poke in the eye for the broadcasters who don't want the Greens to participate in the leader's debate.

However no doubt some on here will try and marginalise Green voters as middle class - my response, so what....people who vote Tory Labour or Liberal may be middle class but no one on here mentions that!

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Go on then you tell us what you think the Conservatives are & when they've admitted it.


What are the conservatives?


exactly the same as lib dem or labour, vote any of the main three parties and its more of the same


I'm very rich so I will be voting greens so they can introduce policies that will marginalize people on low wages. Road pricing now there's a good place to start

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There aren't many self made greenies.


There are no self made conservatives.


---------- Post added 15-01-2015 at 07:50 ----------


Green voters


- love the idea of mass immigration/multiculturalism but ensure they live in leafy parts of the city


- they love comprehensive education but ensure there kids get into the good schools by living in posh catchment areas. Or sending them to private schools


- love environmental projects as long as plenty of money goes into their banks


- love the idea of reduced car usage by pricing people off the road.. This means there are less poor people driving cars so less congestion so they can get to anti car protests with getting stuck in traffic jams


Oh to be a champagne supping lefty


Conservative voters.


Hate people who work long hours in dead end jobs, who actually want rewarding for their work.


Hate the mansion tax idea, yet laugh at poor people being forced out of their family homes because landlords put the rent up to "market value".


Continue to vote for a bunch of old etonians who want to sell off the NHS to private investors.


Happy to see public services slashed, see nurses fight and strike for a 1% pay rise, see firemen fight to keep the pension package they originally signed up for, while their great leaders get a sodding 11% pay rise that was brought about by an "independent" body?!


Basically, Tory voters are all, either aspirational middle class wannabes, or too stubborn to see past the end of their stupid noses!

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The Greens favour a higher minimum wage, healthier lifestyles, might be wishfull thinking, but if the top earners can increase their pay, why cant low earners pay be increased. Whether companies make profits, or not, top directors still get paid massive increases.


They also take the risks with the business, they under write business loans from banks by pledging their homes and any other assets, they risk bankruptcy, the hours the work (on average) are far in excess of those who work for them.


They take the chances, come up with the ideas to start the businesses in the first place, they are entitled to appropriate rewards.


---------- Post added 15-01-2015 at 16:07 ----------


There are no self made conservatives.


---------- Post added 15-01-2015 at 07:50 ----------



Conservative voters.


Hate people who work long hours in dead end jobs, who actually want rewarding for their work.


Hate the mansion tax idea, yet laugh at poor people being forced out of their family homes because landlords put the rent up to "market value".


Continue to vote for a bunch of old etonians who want to sell off the NHS to private investors.


Happy to see public services slashed, see nurses fight and strike for a 1% pay rise, see firemen fight to keep the pension package they originally signed up for, while their great leaders get a sodding 11% pay rise that was brought about by an "independent" body?!


Basically, Tory voters are all, either aspirational middle class wannabes, or too stubborn to see past the end of their stupid noses!


The tone of your contribution really says it all, envy, insulting and boorish language, the inference that anyone who seeks to better themselves via hard work, taking a chance, must be a "wannabee" "stupid" or similar. No evidence of any Old Etonians tying to sell NHS but hey if Silliband and Ballsup say it it must be true! Typical socialist, pathetic.

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They also take the risks with the business, they under write business loans from banks by pledging their homes and any other assets, they risk bankruptcy, the hours the work (on average) are far in excess of those who work for them.


They take the chances, come up with the ideas to start the businesses in the first place, they are entitled to appropriate rewards.


---------- Post added 15-01-2015 at 16:07 ----------



The tone of your contribution really says it all, envy, insulting and boorish language, the inference that anyone who seeks to better themselves via hard work, taking a chance, must be a "wannabee" "stupid" or similar. No evidence of any Old Etonians tying to sell NHS but hey if Silliband and Ballsup say it it must be true! Typical socialist, pathetic.


Listen - anybody that works is seeking to better their circumstances.

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Listen - anybody that works is seeking to better their circumstances.


True, and those who work for someone else (apart from public services) should remember that the reason they have a job is due to the fact that their employer has taken a chance to start that business in the first place.


Those who work in public service should also remember that their fat cat pensions are funded by the tax paid by those companies and the people who work in them.

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Green voters


- love the idea of mass immigration/multiculturalism but ensure they live in leafy parts of the city


- they love comprehensive education but ensure there kids get into the good schools by living in posh catchment areas. Or sending them to private schools


- love environmental projects as long as plenty of money goes into their banks


- love the idea of reduced car usage by pricing people off the road.. This means there are less poor people driving cars so less congestion so they can get to anti car protests with getting stuck in traffic jams


Oh to be a champagne supping lefty




-Live in Westfield, which I suppose is a bit more leafy than the city center.


- Ok I don't have kids, but if/when I do, they will go to the ones that are near Westfield...


- I wish I had lots going into my bank from anything


- I wouldn't call myself poor, but I'm not exactly middle class either.


I know of a few other people thinking of voting green, I wouldn't say any were middle class. At least 1 is long time unemployed and majority of the others your looking at call center wages. Honestly I can't see where green policies particularly affect the middle classes either way. Green would be most detrimental to the highest earners, and most beneficial to the lowest.



I thought middle classes were dead against wind farms in their view anyway, heh.

Edited by Nem88
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Good news! And a poke in the eye for the broadcasters who don't want the Greens to participate in the leader's debate.

However no doubt some on here will try and marginalise Green voters as middle class - my response, so what....people who vote Tory Labour or Liberal may be middle class but no one on here mentions that!


I don't want the Greens in the debate, the more participants you get, the more watered down the debate will be.


The Greens may have more members, but polls seem to suggest people did this on a whim. Yougov conducting a poll on the 15th January that suggested the Greens will get half the votes of UKIP.



Listen - anybody that works is seeking to better their circumstances.


Not at all, many are willing to tread water, or maintain their current circumstances. Nothing wrong with that.

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