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Heaven's eternity or eternal earthly wealth?

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No not really, it is simply an acknowledgement of the fact that some other people do believe in God, and that others do not believe in God(s)....


OK mate. Do you agree then that to have an absence of belief(to not believe) in the existence of God, it requires a lack of knowledge/awareness of God.


If you have no knowledge of something and accept that as a fact then you neither believe nor do you disbelieve, understand?


If you have no knowledge/awareness of the existence of X, you will have an absence of belief in the existence of X. If, on the other-hand, you have knowledge of, or at least think you have knowledge of/reason to believe, you will believe in the existence of X.


Like it or not, you are also an atheist.

Edited by Ryedo40
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You've said in previous posts that you were raised Catholic, assuming while being a Catholic you had a belief in the Catholic god.


Do you still have that belief, or has it gone?


Looking back I never really believed.


Grown adults who were supposed to be teaching me things to help me in future were also telling me stuff I found hard to accept.


The concept of Chrisianity seemed illogical to me even as a child.


The conclusion I eventually came to was that no Earthly religion has the truth.


All Earthly religions were dreamed up by the imagination of men.


That does not of course preclude the existence of a Creator, all it means is that we humans have no idea what form that Creator takes.


Human hubris insists that as a species we are special in the eyes of God and that we can somehow influence our fate in the afterlife.


Why? What's special about us, we're simply animals that are cognizant of our existence.


We are that far removed from the intelligence required by a Creator as to be totally insignificant.


Any interest such a Creator might take in us would be similar to the interest we take in insects.


Again a reason not to worry about it, which is one of the reasons I'm an agnostic. :)

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Looking back I never really believed.


Grown adults who were supposed to be teaching me things to help me in future were also telling me stuff I found hard to accept.


The concept of Chrisianity seemed illogical to me even as a child.


The conclusion I eventually came to was that no Earthly religion has the truth.


All Earthly religions were dreamed up by the imagination of men.


That does not of course preclude the existence of a Creator, all it means is that we humans have no idea what form that Creator takes.


Human hubris insists that as a species we are special in the eyes of God and that we can somehow influence our fate in the afterlife.


Why? What's special about us, we're simply animals that are cognizant of our existence.


We are that far removed from the intelligence required by a Creator as to be totally insignificant.


Any interest such a Creator might take in us would be similar to the interest we take in insects.


Again a reason not to worry about it, which is one of the reasons I'm an agnostic. :)


And an atheist.

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OK mate. Do you agree then that to have an absence of belief(to not believe) in the existence of God, it requires a lack of knowledge/awareness of God.


If you agree, you are an atheist too.


Did you bother to read and understand the definition of Agnostic?


'Someone who neither believes nor disbelieves in the existence of God(s)'.


An Agnostic simply accepts the fact that they do not know.


Therefore, they accept the fact that there may be a God(s) but they don't know and therefore don't believe because they have no evidence.


They also accept the fact that there may not be a God(s) but they have no evidence for that belief either, therefore they don't know, so don't see why they need to believe in that theory either.


What is so hard for you to grasp?


The word Agnostic was specifically invented to describe a difference in view from that of Atheists and Theists.


The inability of some posters on here to accept that fact without jumping through hoops and making themselves look daft trying to impose their incorrect interpretation is hilarious. :)

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And once again as has been explained to you many times in the past I don't care about the definition of Atheist, it doesn't apply to me, I hold no view either way.
...so you're saying that you don't care if the definition matches your position, you refuse to accept the word (atheist) when applied to yourself?


Unless you can provide some proof that the word Agnostic - a word invented to differentiate from both Atheist and Theist - has to have one of those words included with it at all times stop using one in reference to me.

It doesn't HAVE to have another word included at all times, just like a green apple doesn't HAVE to be referred to as a green apple, in most cases simply 'apple' will do. It doesn't change the fact that it is a green apple though.


You are a bipedal biotic homosapien terrestrial agnostic atheist, you might not be happy about it but the only thing that would change those facts is if you started to believe in a god (you could still be of the opinion that nothing can be known about gods, as knowledge and belief are not synonymous).


Or if you lost your legs or went into outer space.


When my team wins I no longer hold a belief that they will win, belief is no longer required, I know they won.
Belief doesn't need to be required, if you accept the win as truth, you believe that they won. Or are we using a different definition of belief now, from yet another source?


No, I'm not suggesting that if you don't know about X you can't have a belief about X.
That's funny, because you said right here...

If you have no knowledge of something and accept that as a fact then you neither believe nor do you disbelieve, understand?


Are you suggesting that if you don't know about X you still must have a belief about X?

No, of course not. That would make no sense.

Do you understand what a belief is?


It is a trust and confidence that something is true or will happen without positive proof.


" I believe it will rain tomorrow " It might, it might not.


" I believe that the Labour party will win the Election" Maybe, maybe not.


So no, not right. :rolleyes:

Of course I know what a belief is, where did you get that definition from though?
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So what's your answer to the question in the OP?
I simply stated a true fact about something that happened to me, in answer to some one who mentioned experiences of people who had had the same experience as me. There was no olaim of believing in the afterlife other than that it gave me hope that there may be one. I do not have to answer to you. It seems the only words ever come out of your posts are "prove it". So "prove it" doesn't exist. Don't wikipedia. Edited by buck
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Did you bother to read and understand the definition of Agnostic?


'Someone who neither believes nor disbelieves in the existence of God(s)'.


The definition I have is quite different: Agnostic: a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God.

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I simply stated a true fact about something that happened to me, in answer to some one who mentioned experiences of people who had had the same experience as me. There was no olaim of believing in the afterlife other than that it gave me hope that there may be one. I do not have to answer to you. It seems the only words ever come out of your posts are "prove it". So "prove it" doesn't exist. Don't wikipedia.


Sorry? Are you sure you've got the right person?

I'd be very interested to see you quote any post where I've told someone to "prove it".


As for for answers, of course you don't have to answer to me, there's a question in the OP (albeit a pretty pointless one), I was asking if you had an answer to that question, that's all.


---------- Post added 15-01-2015 at 17:39 ----------


The definition I have is quite different: Agnostic: a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God.


It really doesn't matter which of the definitions for agnostic he uses, none of them mean that he can't also be an atheist ( or theist for that matter).

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