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Heaven's eternity or eternal earthly wealth?

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You didn't answer honestly.


I'll ask you again.


As a human being on Earth. Do you think non belivers should be killed?


It really is Yes or No.


That is my answer I not changing an honest statement to suit what you wish me to say .

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That is my answer I not changing an honest statement to suit what you wish me to say .


There's nothing honest about it.


You can't even admit to not wanting someone to be killed if it goes against your god.


Forget the religion for a second, how does that feel as a human?

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Where the hell did you get that information from?


Unlike you, some of us are capable of looking at the evidence available to us and coming to a conclusion of our own.


Now I know that this will come as a shock to you, as you are incapable of having an independent thought of your own.


Unless you have seen someone else define it for you and you can reference a source you are lost.


Let me explain how I came to the conclusion you quoted.




Read that again and this time try to comprehend it.


In particular, take note of where it explains the definitions of Atheism in the three dictionaries it Quotes.


Merriam Websters: a, a disbelief in the existence of deity. b, the doctrine that there is no deity.


Compact Oxford Dictionary: the belief that God does not exist.


Cambridge Advanced Learners Dictionary : someone who believes that God or Gods do not exist.


Now it is explained that whilst some other dictionaries add additional alternative meanings others including the three quoted do not.


In fact the only definition that all the English dictionaries have in common is one that can be summed up as 'an affirmative belief that there is no deity '.


Therefore all dictionaries agree that Atheists have a belief, and that belief is in the non existence of God(s).


Agnostics do not have a belief with regard to either the existence or none existence of God(s).


And there lies the fundamental difference between the two points of view, and why there was a need for a different description.


Atheists think they know something, Agnostics know they don't know.



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In fact the only definition that all the English dictionaries have in common is one that can be summed up as 'an affirmative belief that there is no deity '.


That's not true though, that's a claim he's made based on three dictionaries, (and by the way my OED that I'm literally looking at right now contradicts what he says it says).


EDIT: In fact, he's either lying or his information is out of date, because following the link in his own article to the Oxford dictionary page turns up a website that defines atheism like this:


"Disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods."




When the references in your own article go against you that's not a good sign.

Edited by flamingjimmy
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There's nothing honest about it.


You can't even admit to not wanting someone to be killed if it goes against your god.


Forget the religion for a second, how does that feel as a human?


Ok no i don't want you to separated from God that's why i am telling you about what i believe so you can go to heaven when you die.

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I think that's unfair as I have again answered you , it was clear what i was saying !! you need to look at what the scriptures say Snailboy it doesn't mention being killed !!


You didn't answer honestly, you answered like a politician.




If thy brother, the son of thy mother, or thy son, or thy daughter, or the wife of thy bosom, or thy friend, which is as thine own soul, entice thee secretly, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, which thou hast not known, thou, nor thy fathers; Namely, of the gods of the people which are round about you ... Thou shalt not consent unto him, nor hearken unto him; neither shall thine eye pity him, neither shalt thou spare, neither shalt thou conceal him: But thou shalt surely kill him; thine hand shall be first upon him to put him to death, and afterwards the hand of all the people. And thou shalt stone him with stones, that he die. Deuteronomy 13:6-10

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That's not true though, that's a claim he's made based on three dictionaries, (and by the way my OED that I'm literally looking at right now contradicts what he says it says).


EDIT: In fact, he's either lying or his information is out of date, because following the link in his own article to the Oxford dictionary page turns up a website that defines atheism like this:


"Disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods."




When the references in your own article go against you that's not a good sign.


So it still includes the word Disbelief? And lack means absence of.


What was claimed was that although some dictionaries included alternatives the one constant that they all included was an affirmative belief that there was no deity.


How does what you quoted contradict the claim?

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So it still includes the word Disbelief? And lack means absence of.


What was claimed was that although some dictionaries included alternatives the one constant that they all included was an affirmative belief that there was no deity.


How does what you quoted contradict the claim?


Because what I quoted shows only one definition, that does not at all say what the author of your article claims it says. It does not contain the definition 'an affirmative belief that there was no deity' that is a lie you've been told by the author of that article.


It doesn't have it as an alternative meaning, it has as its one and only meaning:


"Disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods."


If you're about to try and wriggle about saying that the word 'disbelief' does not mean dis-belief but actually means a positive belief in a different statement let me first point out that that is stupid, and second link you to the same dictionary which defines disbelief like this:


1.1 Inability or refusal to accept that something is true or real:


1.1 Lack of faith:


So that bit that you gleefully put in bold in your last post aimed at rootsbooster was straight up wrong, incorrect, and demonstrably so using links that you yourself provided.

Edited by flamingjimmy
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