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Heaven's eternity or eternal earthly wealth?

heaven or wealth?  

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  1. 1. heaven or wealth?

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That would be no, no and thrice no.


That's me buggered then. :(


Having said which I have a cunning plan, just in case.


Should I arrive at the pearly gates and find St Peter shaking his head sadly and pointing in a downward direction I am intending to ask him a question.


" Where is the soul of Thomas the Apostle? " I'll ask.


If the answer is "In Heaven" then I shall point out that although Thomas personally knew Jesus he originally doubted his resurrection.


Therefore, isn't it being a bit unfair to exclude me, who arrived nearly 2000 years after the event and got faced with huge amounts of conflicting story's and hadn't a clue what to believe?


I am confident this will earn me a reprieve.


Unless of course St Peter answers " You'll get to meet him when you get down there, they don't call him Doubting Thomas anymore he's known as Combustible Thomas these days. "


In which case. :o :o :(:twisted::help:

You have a choice and I think you will be very surprised to see who is with God , people make choices when they are ill or on their death bed , you have a choice now to make , it's your free will and no amount of joking at the gates will get you through unless you know Jesus .

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Maybe a simple way to bring this to an end would be to agree to the use of descriptions;


Non Believer.



That bit is a good way of looking at it and very simple , but I think it's the choice of author of the thread and as that wasnt the topic really

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Maybe a simple way to bring this to an end would be to agree to the use of descriptions;


Non Believer.



Bloody hell mate, you're for it now, you can't go bringing commonsense and reasonableness into this, they'll be all over you!



Put me down for undecided. :)

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We believe that*the blood of Jesus Christ atones for our sins and iniquity. Further, we believe that Jesus Christ arose bodily from the dead, ascended into heaven, where, at the right hand of the Majesty on High


I've never come across any convincing evidence for people being raised from the dead after rotting and festering for a few days. And I certainly don't think there is any evidence for a re-animated body ascending like superman into the clouds. For me to believe anything like that I'd have to be High.

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I've never come across any convincing evidence for people being raised from the dead after rotting and festering for a few days. And I certainly don't think there is any evidence for a re-animated body ascending like superman into the clouds. For me to believe anything like that I'd have to be High.


There is plenty on the Internet for you to watch , it does happen and it has been medically backed up . When I was in Brazil we heard lots of stories to support raising from the dead .

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There is plenty on the Internet for you to watch , it does happen and it has been medically backed up . When I was in Brazil we heard lots of stories to support raising from the dead .


OK. Well please provide scientific medical research showing dead human bodies, after days of rotting and festering, magically coming back to life.

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OK. Well please provide scientific medical research showing dead human bodies, after days of rotting and festering, magically coming back to life.


Look on the Internet I am sure you will find some evidence for it .

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Getting bored out of my cannon with your nonsense at this stage.


But a point or two, the 'you are without God' crap is countered and balanced out by 'Neither believe NOR DISBELIEVE in the existence of God(s).

I don't think it's possible to neither believe nor disbelieve in something. If you don't believe it, you disbelieve it, that's what disbelieve means.


The number of times it has been explained to you that as far as I'm concerned the definition of Agnostic as ' Someone who neither believes nor disbelieves in the existence of God(s)'

That's not what it means though.


And also 'someone who follows logic as far as it can take them and is then prepared to accept their lack of knowledge'
That statement refers to a great many atheists.


So therefore, anyone including one of the other words with Agnostic is completely missing the point, aren't they?
Tell that to the guy who coined the term, who as roostbooster found out did indeed describe himself as an atheist as well as an agnostic.


How can the guy who made up the word miss the point of it?


Why don't you worry about your own lack of coherence and let teeny look out for her/himself?

Because she's far too nice to tell you how nasty you are being.

I notice that when your Socratic mate Snailyboy and your pal Ryedo40 spent several pages having a dig at teeny you didn't bother to say anything did you?

I don't think they've been anywhere near as nasty as you. I've known religious people for whom the word 'heretic' was a very strong one indeed, and you've been throwing it at her repeatedly in an obvious deliberate attempt to offend. To her credit she hasn't risen to it.


As someone who was raised a Catholic I have a basic understanding of Catholic theology.


You extrapolating that into me having 'hang ups' is one hell of a stupid conclusion.

It's got nothing to do with your 'knowledge' of catholic theology, it's to do with the inflammatory language you used to decry other christian denominations and the way you vociferously defended the church as 'the one true church', parroting the same nonsense that a vicar might.

Edited by flamingjimmy
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