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Heaven's eternity or eternal earthly wealth?

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How does he feel about people who believe in other gods?


He says all other Gods don't want a relationship with you and doesn't reach out , other gods are wanting us to work for a place in heaven but the God he believes in and knows is loving and accepts us without works , he also says other religions are made by man to suit man and his selfishness , he sees what he knows as real and yes he has a lot of good understanding of his own faith

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How does one "lessen a human being"?

I'm confused by the term. What does it involve?




Chris look at the definition of Human Being as as having two aspects to it, the human one and the being.

The definition of human is relatively straightforward compared to the complexities and debatable points surrounding being where the philosophical and theological aspects lie.

It's not my intention to sound patronising or anti this or anti that as some on this forum would like to suggest but the "Being" bit has the theological and philosophical aspects surrounding it and this has been debated for centuries, it's nothing new, i don't think even Socrates originated the debate and that's some time ago. I think it's great to be human (well I would I'm here) and take on board the physical and emotional aspects, but I Personally feel more informed because I like to consider all the aspects available and Atheism to me makes theology redundant and also impacts on the philosophy that's been discussed over the last few thousand years. To me this loss of the theological and philosophical aspect, and there are others, would lessen the human being in me personally and I'm sure it would equally apply to others out there. Now do you see where I'm coming from!

I genuinely think Atheist's fail to take this into consideration in the one size fit's all world that they appear to inhabit.

I don't see Atheism as freeing or liberating oneself if anything I see it as potentially limiting.

Philosophy and Theology have worked hand in hand for centuries, most of western Europe's and a large part of the globe's principles evolve from this. Not every decision was the best one in the past nor will every decision that's made in the future but that's also one of the defining points of us as human beings. We don't always get it right!

No amount of science will change that fact although I'm sure somebody will try!

I don't operate in a void, I've looked at humanists, experienced them and associated with them but what they have on offer leaves me unconvinced, cold and quite honestly bored rigid! Science is wonderful, the physical known is amazing and the unknown will probably be even more amazing, and I respect Scientists and theorists for trying, but I'm not a signed up member of the science fixes everything club and I don't personally want it to be the guide to principles by which I'm defined. I'm not anti anything just pro human being!


I'll probably be attacked and shouted down again by the Atheists on this thread who will cherry pick sentences, take things out of context and need further elaboration to drill down and tiresomely nitpick rather than having the decency and good grace to accept that someone else has a differing point of view than theirs and leave it at that. I respect their position, I don't have to agree with it though. However, if there's a God and he knows everything, and designs everything then he's responsible for 'em so they must be part of the "plan". Now there's an interesting discussion for the future and I certainly don't have all the answers:hihi::)

Bear in mind I write just as a general forummer not as an academic, so hope you understand.

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He says all other Gods don't want a relationship with you and doesn't reach out , other gods are wanting us to work for a place in heaven but the God he believes in and knows is loving and accepts us without works , he also says other religions are made by man to suit man and his selfishness , he sees what he knows as real and yes he has a lot of good understanding of his own faith


All that at 8 years old?

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All that at 8 years old?


Yes he's a very bright young man ! He reads well , he knows his times tables to his 12xs and is going to try for a scholar ship at a private school here in the UK !

Edited by teeny
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Chris look at the definition of Human Being as as having two aspects to it, the human one and the being.

The definition of human is relatively straightforward compared to the complexities and debatable points surrounding being where the philosophical and theological aspects lie.

It's not my intention to sound patronising or anti this or anti that as some on this forum would like to suggest but the "Being" bit has the theological and philosophical aspects surrounding it and this has been debated for centuries, it's nothing new, i don't think even Socrates originated the debate and that's some time ago. I think it's great to be human (well I would I'm here) and take on board the physical and emotional aspects, but I Personally feel more informed because I like to consider all the aspects available and Atheism to me makes theology redundant and also impacts on the philosophy that's been discussed over the last few thousand years. To me this loss of the theological and philosophical aspect, and there are others, would lessen the human being in me personally and I'm sure it would equally apply to others out there. Now do you see where I'm coming from!

I genuinely think Atheist's fail to take this into consideration in the one size fit's all world that they appear to inhabit.

I don't see Atheism as freeing or liberating oneself if anything I see it as potentially limiting.

Philosophy and Theology have worked hand in hand for centuries, most of western Europe's and a large part of the globe's principles evolve from this. Not every decision was the best one in the past nor will every decision that's made in the future but that's also one of the defining points of us as human beings. We don't always get it right!

No amount of science will change that fact although I'm sure somebody will try!

I don't operate in a void, I've looked at humanists, experienced them and associated with them but what they have on offer leaves me unconvinced, cold and quite honestly bored rigid! Science is wonderful, the physical known is amazing and the unknown will probably be even more amazing, and I respect Scientists and theorists for trying, but I'm not a signed up member of the science fixes everything club and I don't personally want it to be the guide to principles by which I'm defined. I'm not anti anything just pro human being!


I'll probably be attacked and shouted down again by the Atheists on this thread who will cherry pick sentences, take things out of context and need further elaboration to drill down and tiresomely nitpick rather than having the decency and good grace to accept that someone else has a differing point of view than theirs and leave it at that.


I asked you to elaborate on what you meant so I could understand you. All you've really given so far is a blanket statement without elaborating on your views or defining and expressing what you mean by human and 'being'.


The only place where I'd agree with you in your post is that atheism makes theology redundant. Big deal. Astronomy makes astrology redundant. Chemistry makes alchemy redundant. No need to cry over it. Atheism doesn't make reason redundant, nor does it make our human experience redundant.

Edited by Ryedo40
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I don't think I've ever met anyone who has a faith that hasn't asked the question at some time or perhaps had times of doubt! I would actually be slightly concerned by some one with blind uncompromising faith be they religious fundamentalists that corrupt to their own agenda or militant atheists that lessen the human being, to me there both equally as dangerous to mankind.

Have you not met teeny yet?



I feel you gain more by searching. It's one of the reasons I can understand agnosticism and the motive that drives that state. However It doesn't change the fact that I do have a faith which inevitably is personal to me and I don't have to prove it to anyone. I wouldn't and couldn't expect you to be the same. One of the things that never ceases to surprise me though is the number of Atheist's that spend so much time debating the presence of God and are then bothered by the standpoint of others if it's different to there belief in their pointless finite. I seem to remember an old saying somewhere that "many are called, few are chosen". So I beg your pardon for using a public transport analogy for this but this is how I see it! It's inevitable that there will always be people who don't know the right stop to get off at! What's really sad is we're not on the circular our bus say's terminus on the front and like it or not we're all paying passengers!

Can you give any examples of this (the part I highlighted)?

Also, what do you mean by 'searching'? Searching for what?


---------- Post added 02-02-2015 at 09:27 ----------


He says all other Gods don't want a relationship with you and doesn't reach out , other gods are wanting us to work for a place in heaven but the God he believes in and knows is loving and accepts us without works , he also says other religions are made by man to suit man and his selfishness , he sees what he knows as real and yes he has a lot of good understanding of his own faith


What makes him think that his religion is not made by man?

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Chris look at the definition of Human Being as as having two aspects to it, the human one and the being.

I have. I'm still confused.


How does one actually "lessen a human being"?

What does it physically involve?


Did Socrates "lessen human beings"? You keep mentioning him for some reason. He was tried and killed for the crime of being an atheist (which he wasn't), if I remember correctly.

Edited by Chris_Sleeps
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Chris look at the definition of Human Being as as having two aspects to it, the human one and the being.

The definition of human is relatively straightforward compared to the complexities and debatable points surrounding being where the philosophical and theological aspects lie.

It's not my intention to sound patronising or anti this or anti that as some on this forum would like to suggest but the "Being" bit has the theological and philosophical aspects surrounding it and this has been debated for centuries, it's nothing new, i don't think even Socrates originated the debate and that's some time ago. I think it's great to be human (well I would I'm here) and take on board the physical and emotional aspects, but I Personally feel more informed because I like to consider all the aspects available and Atheism to me makes theology redundant and also impacts on the philosophy that's been discussed over the last few thousand years. To me this loss of the theological and philosophical aspect, and there are others, would lessen the human being in me personally and I'm sure it would equally apply to others out there. Now do you see where I'm coming from!

I genuinely think Atheist's fail to take this into consideration in the one size fit's all world that they appear to inhabit.

I don't see Atheism as freeing or liberating oneself if anything I see it as potentially limiting.

Philosophy and Theology have worked hand in hand for centuries, most of western Europe's and a large part of the globe's principles evolve from this. Not every decision was the best one in the past nor will every decision that's made in the future but that's also one of the defining points of us as human beings. We don't always get it right!

No amount of science will change that fact although I'm sure somebody will try!

I don't operate in a void, I've looked at humanists, experienced them and associated with them but what they have on offer leaves me unconvinced, cold and quite honestly bored rigid! Science is wonderful, the physical known is amazing and the unknown will probably be even more amazing, and I respect Scientists and theorists for trying, but I'm not a signed up member of the science fixes everything club and I don't personally want it to be the guide to principles by which I'm defined. I'm not anti anything just pro human being!


I'll probably be attacked and shouted down again by the Atheists on this thread who will cherry pick sentences, take things out of context and need further elaboration to drill down and tiresomely nitpick rather than having the decency and good grace to accept that someone else has a differing point of view than theirs and leave it at that. I respect their position, I don't have to agree with it though. However, if there's a God and he knows everything, and designs everything then he's responsible for 'em so they must be part of the "plan". Now there's an interesting discussion for the future and I certainly don't have all the answers:hihi::)

Bear in mind I write just as a general forummer not as an academic, so hope you understand.

I don't understand why you think the term 'Human being' is so difficult to define, even as separate words. Most dictionaries manage just fine.


How could an absence of belief in any gods be a limiting thing?

Do you not think that just picking one god out of the bunch and sticking with it is more of a limiting thing?


As an atheist I am without belief in any gods, this means that if there were ever reason enough for me to believe in any of them I wouldn't already be tied down to a rival faith and would be free to begin my new found belief.


Also you seem to misunderstand what science is.

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Have you not met teeny yet?




Can you give any examples of this (the part I highlighted)?

Also, what do you mean by 'searching'? Searching for what?


---------- Post added 02-02-2015 at 09:27 ----------



What makes him think that his religion is not made by man?


Its based on the fact he knows God like many Christians, As a child would know as they don't have all of intellect adults think they have


---------- Post added 02-02-2015 at 14:10 ----------


Just because you can't see something in the natural does not mean it does not exist. Call it, speak the word, let heaven come for your words and watch what happens because this year, what you call will come !!! thats what my little fellow says

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Its based on the fact he knows God like many Christians, As a child would know as they don't have all of intellect adults think they have


But that's what people of other religions say about their gods so how do you know who's right and who's just imagining it?

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