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Me ne suis pas Charlie

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Why do these religious nutjobs throw their toys out of the pram over a cartoon. ?

Its like the other year when the same variety of religious idiots spat the dummy out because someone called a TEDDY BEAR Mohamid .


These people really need to get a life and stop living it by what it says in some fictional comic. ( this applies to ALL religions)


These people in Niger, Mali etc. would never have seen such a cartoon.


They will have been whipped up by their leaders, most likely at Friday Prayers.


Their inter-tribal fighting has going on for decades, if not longer and this is just being used as another excuse for a bit of burning/killing/looting.

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These people in Niger, Mali etc. would never have seen such a cartoon.


They will have been whipped up by their leaders, most likely at Friday Prayers.


Their inter-tribal fighting has going on for decades, if not longer and this is just being used as another excuse for a bit of burning/killing/looting.


Are you saying they don't have access to the Internet in Niger, Mali etc?

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Why do these religious nutjobs throw their toys out of the pram over a cartoon


Because there are no visual representations of the prophet Mohammed.


So, for a devoutly religious person, this would be a very shocking thing to see.


And very upsetting, I would imagine.

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Because there are no visual representations of the prophet Mohammed.


So, for a devoutly religious person, this would be a very shocking thing to see.


And very upsetting, I would imagine.


If people get upset by a cartoon there really is no hope for them.

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That may be true for some muslims altus


But there are 1 billion muslims spread ALL OVER the world


And it is definitely not true for ALL of them


Most muslims have never seen a visual representation of Mo and the idea alone is shocking to them - go speak to muslims for yourself!

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That may be true for some muslims altus


But there are 1 billion muslims spread ALL OVER the world


And it is definitely not true for ALL of them


Most muslims have never seen a visual representation of Mo and the idea alone is shocking to them - go speak to muslims for yourself!


I was just pointing out that your statement that "Because there are no visual representations of the prophet Mohammed." was not true.


That some, perhaps even most, muslims are unaware of their religion's history is their deficiency not mine.

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