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My Big Benefits Family (sheffield)- channel 5 Thurs 8pm


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Bunch of scrubbers ? Not a days work in any of them


I see people like this every day when im on my way to work and at work. some of them are ok and just down on their luck but others are even worse than these lot

They then have the nerve to call me a scrounger because im foreign but they call me this when im serving them so how can i be a scrounger if i hasve a job and they dont?

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Yes its easy to blame this Countrys downfall on people on benefits but the real culprits are the rich tax dodging earners, the Banks and Fuel Companies thats why this Country is like it is, but the work shy don't help and the sooner the system is changed the better.

There are many people who will always claim benefits and never work and there are lots of unemployed wanting to seek work but the jobs are just not out there for some.


Kind of my view,wer fortunate to have a system that provides for those who cant work,some will never work,therefore they will abuse that system if they can.

The REAL scumbags are the filthy rich that avoid paying taxes,we could fund the NHS for decades to come and pay decent pensions for those whove earned them,or write off massive chunks of our national debt,with the amount of taxes that go unpaid.

Its always the ones at the bottom of the food chain that are the easiest targets for that reason alone.....they dont work.

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People have always avoided taxes, it's not a recent phenomenon and the left are at least as guilty as it as those on the right. Why don't we just do the best with the money we actually have instead of wasting so much of it and blaming the shortfall on tax avoiders? Why are we paying public sector workers pensions beyond the wildest dreams of the vast majority of taxpayers? Why do we pay for so much rubbish while our roads go ungritted in winter, bin collections reduced to once a month in some areas, and criminals allowed to roam the streets with impunity. Spend money on the things that people consider to be important, forget about all the PC crap, if lefties want that they can pay for it themselves.

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People have always avoided taxes, it's not a recent phenomenon and the left are at least as guilty as it as those on the right. Why don't we just do the best with the money we actually have instead of wasting so much of it and blaming the shortfall on tax avoiders? Why are we paying public sector workers pensions beyond the wildest dreams of the vast majority of taxpayers? Why do we pay for so much rubbish while our roads go ungritted in winter, bin collections reduced to once a month in some areas, and criminals allowed to roam the streets with impunity. Spend money on the things that people consider to be important, forget about all the PC crap, if lefties want that they can pay for it themselves.


Sorry mate but I think your post is contradictory, the tax avoiders are part of the elite that are forcing the cuts that are making the second half of your post happen, have any council top brass taken a pay cut during the so called austerity, I don't think so. The recently departed and totally inept leader of Rotherham council was taking home in excess of £13k a month and was totally and utterly out of his depth.

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I love when these deliberatly provocative programmes are shown and the proles start frothing at the mouth as this is exactly the reaction the makers want:


a) Don't watch them


b) Save your anger for the people who created the benefits system that allows it to happen


Point b)


We voted them out at the last general election. The current Government is doing it's best to make life difficult for the type of people on these TV programmes and they are getting criticised for doing so, for being 'unkind'.


Any government will be lampooned by the political opposition for either paying too much or too little in benefits, which in turn shapes the attitudes of the man in the street.

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Its what they don't tell you thats the problem on these type of programs. These two sisters are the only two out of a family of eleven that live like this, her brother has his own business and probably pays more tax than some of you. Also some of them went to East Hill special school and have probably been left on the scrap heap because the job centre dont bother helping many people with learning disabilities find courses or work etc. Also I watched another Sheffield benefits program a while ago and I recognised one of the fathers, the program concentrated on one son who was out of work, in fact he had two sisters as well who were not on the dole but they were not shown.


Firstly those that were working weren't shown as they are not are let hats off to them for working hard.

No one is criticising those that went to special school either. We are criticising the scrounges that can work but can't be bothered and rub our noses in it.

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The programme info is all in the title of this thread.


What I don't understand is when did it change, there used to be a stigma relying on state handouts now there seems to be a lot of people who see it as a badge of honour. Where were the Dad's out of interest too.


As a kid brought up in the fifties i can remember reading in the Star about some sheffield bloke being charged with failing to provide for his family,i wonder when that law was done away with.

I can remember the kids on free school meals having to stand in line outside the headmasters office for their free meal ticket like a scene from some victorian soup kitchen.

And kids had a mum and a dad who lived in the same house,a novelty today.

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