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My Big Benefits Family (sheffield)- channel 5 Thurs 8pm


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A couple of things stood out for me. The Kerrigan lad ( cant remember his name) who openly boasted that he "cant be bothered" to look for a job ,and then stood outside the West st dole office and bragged about how its easy to lie about looking for work just to get their handouts . I hope the DSS stop his benefits , they know who he is and have all the evidence they need to stop his money.


Also , they claimed they needed MORE benefits and couldnt live on the alreay massive handouts they already get, yet have all the latest gadgets . one of them bragged about having 3 motorbikes , one had a bag full of mobile phones and was always buying brand new expensive trainers .


And they can afford a taxi from Jack Fultons in firth park for the few hundred yard journey home. These people are taking the mick .

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A couple of things stood out for me. The Kerrigan lad ( cant remember his name) who openly boasted that he "cant be bothered" to look for a job ,and then stood outside the West st dole office and bragged about how its easy to lie about looking for work just to get their handouts . I hope the DSS stop his benefits , they know who he is and have all the evidence they need to stop his money.


Also , they claimed they needed MORE benefits and couldnt live on the alreay massive handouts they already get, yet have all the latest gadgets . one of them bragged about having 3 motorbikes , one had a bag full of mobile phones and was always buying brand new expensive trainers .


And they can afford a taxi from Jack Fultons in firth park for the few hundred yard journey home. These people are taking the mick .

Well they have to spend their our money on something...


... if they put it in the bank (like a lot of sensible people who have worked and saved all their lives) then they would probably lose their benefits! :mad:

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I love when these deliberatly provocative programmes are shown and the proles start frothing at the mouth as this is exactly the reaction the makers want:


a) Don't watch them


b) Save your anger for the people who created the benefits system that allows it to happen


Nope my anger is for these scrounges that give people who are genuinely trying to look for a job a bad name.


Are you defending them?

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Nope my anger is for these scrounges that give people who are genuinely trying to look for a job a bad name.


Are you defending them?


Not defending them at all but whilst your getting your knickers in a twist about people who are only claiming what the system allows them to claim the real villains of the piece escape to enjoy their lavish lifestyles.


Think about it this way, energy is priced far too highly than it needs to be for no other reason but greed, the government has to pay millions of pensioners fuel allowance so they don't freeze to death, do we see programmes almost evry week on tv showing the energy bosses in their mansions spending taxpayers money?

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Not defending them at all but whilst your getting your knickers in a twist about people who are only claiming what the system allows them to claim the real villains of the piece escape to enjoy their lavish lifestyles.


Think about it this way, energy is priced far too highly than it needs to be for no other reason but greed, the government has to pay millions of pensioners fuel allowance so they don't freeze to death, do we see programmes almost evry week on tv showing the energy bosses in their mansions spending taxpayers money?

... its' probably because they are all too busy


... working for a living! :hihi:

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Its what they don't tell you thats the problem on these type of programs. These two sisters are the only two out of a family of eleven that live like this, her brother has his own business and probably pays more tax than some of you. Also some of them went to East Hill special school and have probably been left on the scrap heap because the job centre dont bother helping many people with learning disabilities find courses or work etc. Also I watched another Sheffield benefits program a while ago and I recognised one of the fathers, the program concentrated on one son who was out of work, in fact he had two sisters as well who were not on the dole but they were not shown.

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Not defending them at all but whilst your getting your knickers in a twist about people who are only claiming what the system allows them to claim the real villains of the piece escape to enjoy their lavish lifestyles.


Think about it this way, energy is priced far too highly than it needs to be for no other reason but greed, the government has to pay millions of pensioners fuel allowance so they don't freeze to death, do we see programmes almost evry week on tv showing the energy bosses in their mansions spending taxpayers money?


Yes its easy to blame this Countrys downfall on people on benefits but the real culprits are the rich tax dodging earners, the Banks and Fuel Companies thats why this Country is like it is, but the work shy don't help and the sooner the system is changed the better.

There are many people who will always claim benefits and never work and there are lots of unemployed wanting to seek work but the jobs are just not out there for some.

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