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Green Party members to overtake UKIP

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Well I think there's an authoritarian streak in UKIP as well....And it wasn;t so long ago that Nigel Farage wanted to ban the burqa....So UKIP were going to tell people what they couldn't wear!


Farage's thinking is to id guess is that to integrate fully into this country then you don't keep the female muslim population hidden from the rest.That is hardly integration is it?

People are either wanting to live here and intergrate or they arnt,and that is the problem,many arnt and there is little movement on that which ive seen.

That isn't the way id like my country is it you?

Other countrys have banned head wear and for a few reasons rightly so.


---------- Post added 14-01-2015 at 22:38 ----------


And you wonder why some people refer to you as a troll?


I don't wonder,they don't.Only the ones who have no substance of their own other than trying to belittle others because they disagree but never actually say why they disagree.

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The die hard UKIP supporters really don't like the fact that there's some serious competition for them :hihi:


Nigel Farage might have to actually do some work, instead of fuelling his booze blushed cheeks at the local after giving his kids a good beating.

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People have had enough of being miserable under these muppets who will be telling us how to dress next.


The only muppets who had an election manifesto commitment to tell people what to wear was UKIP in 2010 saying they'd introduce uniforms for taxi drivers.

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popping at UKIP just takes the microscope off the tories and labours and libdems own lies and incompetence .


If UKIP stop acting like a bunch of massive twerps then that problem is solved!


---------- Post added 15-01-2015 at 08:45 ----------


The die hard UKIP supporters really don't like the fact that there's some serious competition for them :hihi:


Also undermines their calls for the Greens to be excluded from the TV debates.

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I will be honest, both of my children never bothered with the last general election, (which was their first voting age one) nor did they take part in the locals, but they did with the last MEP vote, which pleased me and their mom, because they are now taking responsibilty for the future of our country. Maybe we should have poured politics down their throats at an early age, but to be fair we didnt. I suppose we should have, but at the end of the day, its up to them. Lets hope the majority of our "Of Age" youngsters will give it a go this year, and who knows what the outcome will be!


I think it is a good thing that you did not because doing so could just turn them into drones that vote for the same party that you vote for, my few is that it is better to let them involve themselves and make their own choice about which party best represents their views.

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This is some refreshing news! The Greens are on course to have more members than UKIP if the sign up rate continues. Faith in British human it's is restored :)


So many people on both left and right are fed up with the behaviour of the 3 main parties, so therefore people will of course look for alternatives. UKIP are somewhere to the right of Ghengis Khan, so those of us who are repulsed by them will have to look elsewhere and the Greens are therefore an obvious choice.


I'm not mad keen on the Greens as I don't find them to be the most practical bunch in the world, but they are doing incredibly well. Especially given that they receive very little publicity for their cause.

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The Green party will never make any thing, they are worse than New Liebour and that takes some doing. Some of their policy's would bankrupt the Nation, and we would all be walking to work if they had their way. All those horrible cars emitting fumes, we cannot have that. A right set of twanks.:loopy:


Come on Nige keep the momentum up, UKip are doing well in the polls.




At twice the rate of the cabbages.

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So many people on both left and right are fed up with the behaviour of the 3 main parties, so therefore people will of course look for alternatives. UKIP are somewhere to the right of Ghengis Khan, so those of us who are repulsed by them will have to look elsewhere and the Greens are therefore an obvious choice.


I'm not mad keen on the Greens as I don't find them to be the most practical bunch in the world, but they are doing incredibly well. Especially given that they receive very little publicity for their cause.


I share your sentiments with the greens. They haven't necessarily won my vote as yet, but it's refreshing to see politics having a well needed mix up.


I'd like to see some drastic changes, a totally new system that doesn't allow donations would be a good start.

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The die hard UKIP supporters really don't like the fact that there's some serious competition for them :hihi:


Nigel Farage might have to actually do some work, instead of fuelling his booze blushed cheeks at the local after giving his kids a good beating.


Mate you need to wake up.There is nobody in politics worked harder than Farage,with so much hostility while doing it.


go spend half hour on youtube and judge for yourself rather than sucking on BBC bias crap.


One thing for certain is im not seeing one oune of work from slimy of Cameroon for our rights or interests.

If theres any work at all being done,its more of the uk being given away ,more laws and restrictions of and plenty of the the word could,cameroon loves that word because some idiots think it means will lol


---------- Post added 15-01-2015 at 11:03 ----------


At twice the rate of the cabbages.


only a cabbage would vote for the main 2 partys,they are run by them.damp rags the pair of them.

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