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Green Party members to overtake UKIP

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Come on now! That was 2010! ALL parties have changed their views in the last five years.


As regards the taxi drivers - why not? Bus and train staff have uniforms so what's so different?



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Yeah, let's come out of the EU as Fartface Farage is dribbling....


Never mind the fact that it was a drawn up as a means of avoiding another World War



So a bit like the League of Nations then..That worked well didn't it? Set up after WW1 to prevent WW2. It took 20 years to start the next one. What has prevented WW3 is MAD. Bugger all to do with EU.


Has there been another world war involving those not in the EU since the H bomb?


Pulling out sounds like a good plan to me. Thanks for the info. I've made up my mind now. Your pathetic need to insult a party leader just sealed the deal.

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Come on now! That was 2010! ALL parties have changed their views in the last five years.


As regards the taxi drivers - why not? Bus and train staff have uniforms so what's so different?




Here you go then, a more recent article relating to the 2015 manifesto. That's far more serious and worrying than silly policies, because their sums don't add up. He can't even manage his own finances properly, god knows what he'd do with the country's.



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As regards the taxi drivers - why not? Bus and train staff have uniforms so what's so different?


The difference is that bus drivers and train staff work for companies whereas a lot of taxi drivers don't. It's also the policy of companies and not the law that company staff wear uniform. Making something like that a legal requirement would be petty and a waste of public money to enforce.


Farage described the 2010 UKIP manifesto as drivel. So we now know what you believe in.

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