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Sheffield Ghost Stories & Sightings

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ok before i say anything just for the small minority ''it was 2 year ago and since then i have paid fines and now am a good boy :)''


I use to do graffiti illegally BUT DONT NOW! and one night me and my mate where out with paints getting up to mischief and we went down to rother vally as its close to where i live. Now before you walk into rother vally from the path that leads down to it from the roundabout theres a turn of to the left, and if anybody knows where im on about this was at like 1 in the morning. so ye we were walking down this track and at the side there is the train tracks and the other side just woods so as we were walking down we herd a noise as if someones was walking on the stones on the tracks and it was definatly not a fox or animal as it wouldnt make a noise like that then we saw what we thought was a torch but was kind of like a white mist. so we ran down the path to the bridge that goes over the tracks but nothing was there and you can see for a fair distance down both sides. to this day i still cant work out what it was :confused:


Also if there is any ghost hunting events going of soon could you please p.m me as my mums into all this most haunted rubbish and always going on about how she wants to go on a ghost hunt :hihi:

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I've got quiet a few spooky experiences to many to really write down, but the main one that sticks out to me is i used to live in gleadless valley, in a maisonnette, and when i first moved into the property i felt a presence at the top of my stair, the kind that tells you dont come up here. But i just ignored it been a single mum living on my own i didnt wont to freak my self out.

i moved in april time, but october i was terrified to walk up my stairs or into my spare room as the presence was extremely strong, so i decided to have my pagan friend round and we cleansed the up stairs of the house and sat visuals with cameras, capturing fantastic light shows and at one point my friend decided to go to the toliet and sitting there doing what she had to do the door flew open, i was sat upstairs on the landing scared the hell out of me and her.

later on that year through october november i would be sitting there at night just as dusk fell and i would here a little child calling mummy, like it was my daughter up stairs so many many times i would rush up to go and see if shes ok and she is sound asleep, this then became a regular occurrance up to feb of the next year, but in december of that year my daughter went off to her nans for the night and i was chatting to me mate on the fone, her telling me that shes put her christmas tree up so i decided to do the same, she sent me a picture of hers, so i decorated my tree and stood back and took a photo and sent it on.

it wasnt untill november of the year after when i decided to look back on the picture and put them all on to disc with my new picks on the up and coming xmas that i noticed a boy stood behind my xmas tree, i was gob smacked, a little boy in old victorian style clothing with a little flat cap on, so the first thing i did was look up the date that i put up my tree so that i would repeat the process to see if i could capture him again, to no such look, and i then sent the photo off for analysing and they came back telling me that they have no explination for it.

i still try every year to capture my little friend and have moved twice since living in the maisonnett, and i still have some presence that comes with me where ever i move but luckly not the one from the top of the stairs lol.


also has any one ever been to thaurnbridge hall, as ive experienced presence there and just wondered if any one elsa has

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my sister-in-law was out with her mate drinking.at tankersley they was paraletic,walking it home they whent under the subway on death valley.they both had their mobile phones switched to video.as women often just clown about.they was fliming each other from either end of the subway..on getting home..they left company..the next day they looked at their phones..ghosts was on it ..i had a look.is a man getting on in years.see through..that walked through her mate to wards my sister-in-law...many people have seen the footage ..i told her to put it on youtube..its scary

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  • 1 month later...
I've got quiet a few spooky experiences to many to really write down, but the main one that sticks out to me is i used to live in gleadless valley, in a maisonnette, and when i first moved into the property i felt a presence at the top of my stair, the kind that tells you dont come up here. But i just ignored it been a single mum living on my own i didnt wont to freak my self out.

i moved in april time, but october i was terrified to walk up my stairs or into my spare room as the presence was extremely strong, so i decided to have my pagan friend round and we cleansed the up stairs of the house and sat visuals with cameras, capturing fantastic light shows and at one point my friend decided to go to the toliet and sitting there doing what she had to do the door flew open, i was sat upstairs on the landing scared the hell out of me and her.

later on that year through october november i would be sitting there at night just as dusk fell and i would here a little child calling mummy, like it was my daughter up stairs so many many times i would rush up to go and see if shes ok and she is sound asleep, this then became a regular occurrance up to feb of the next year, but in december of that year my daughter went off to her nans for the night and i was chatting to me mate on the fone, her telling me that shes put her christmas tree up so i decided to do the same, she sent me a picture of hers, so i decorated my tree and stood back and took a photo and sent it on.

it wasnt untill november of the year after when i decided to look back on the picture and put them all on to disc with my new picks on the up and coming xmas that i noticed a boy stood behind my xmas tree, i was gob smacked, a little boy in old victorian style clothing with a little flat cap on, so the first thing i did was look up the date that i put up my tree so that i would repeat the process to see if i could capture him again, to no such look, and i then sent the photo off for analysing and they came back telling me that they have no explination for it.

i still try every year to capture my little friend and have moved twice since living in the maisonnett, and i still have some presence that comes with me where ever i move but luckly not the one from the top of the stairs lol.


also has any one ever been to thaurnbridge hall, as ive experienced presence there and just wondered if any one elsa has


Any chance you could attach the image on here? :D

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In the mid 80s I worked on security whilst they were dismantling the old BSC plant prior to the construction of the Sheffield Airport.


One night about 11pm I was in a Land Rover near to the Golf Course when I saw a large group of men walking across the course in the direction of Tinsley marshalling yards.


As they got nearer I noticed they had long hair and were bearded and wearing strange clothing. Thet seemed very determined and although they walked in front of the vehicle, never acknowledged me and disappeared over a small ridge.


I was a bit scared as they looked a tough bunch, but started the car to take a look, as I crested the ridge, I had a perfect view of the whole area and could see nothing.


I never mentioned this to anyone, and although it was a strange and eery experience I have to say that it didnt really trouble me much.


About two years ago I read a book by the historian Michael Wood he states that the battle of Brunaburgh was fought on the site of Tinsley marshalling yards in the year 937.


Did I see the ghosts of warriors walking to the battle? I dont know, I saw saw some tough looking guys in what I believe may be 10th century clothing and when I tried to follow them they disappeared. Make of it what you will.

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Iv herd rumours of a woman who haunts beighton church on the steps at the back of the church. apparently she fell down them and broke her neck. Anywhoooo i never knew where these steps where but this week iv been doing a job in beighton and decided to walk through the wood bit round the back of the church rather than up passed the lifstyle centre and down into the village as its quicker. Only today did i notice these steps and even in the day light this place looks <removed> scary! even the church at the top of the hill then the fields around it.

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