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Sheffield Ghost Stories & Sightings

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Hello my name is Scott I have compiled a collection of ghost stories that are true and have happened over a 37 year period. I have been fascinated by this phenomena and decided to put them into writing. Here are a few clips from a book I have wrote called my Ghosts and I.


Chapter four

Guardian or Creepy Old Lady




I had started doing a paper round from the age of 11 and I finished being a paperboy three days before my 19th birthday. To manage getting up every morning I had my own alarm clock. After a couple of years my father dropped my brothers on the doorstep and they moved back in with us. I had to start sharing a bedroom with my brothers again and initially they got the beds and I had a mattress to sleep on. Get on with it I hear you say, yes, I know but this will turn out to be relevant just be patient. I remember waking up why I don`t know but as I sat up I rubbed my eyes and looked at my alarm clock. It was 01:25am. It was then I noticed the reason for why I had been abruptly woken up! Knelt at the side of my bed was an elderly lady praying. Her hair was dark and permed and she wasn`t wearing any glasses Even to this day I don`t know who she was. I slowly lowered my head back onto my bed and sandwich my head between both pillars until I fell asleep. Who would have thought it, a pillar would protect me from spirits, really! In hindsight I was scared from having a stranger in my bedroom but my gut feeling told me she wasn`t that bad. Still not the thing a 13-year-old expects to see on waking or hopes to see. Why was she there and why was she praying, maybe she knew what was going to come!

Chapter five

Is Anybody There




I had started to feel a bit achy as you did when you first started with a virus. It was about 18:45 and I had decided to go to bed earlier then normal. I could hear my family downstairs talking and the TV was on. I had literally just laid down in my bed. It had been cold that day not icy but cold enough and as the carpets were pulled back around the edge of the room it made it feel colder. I had only been in bed a few minutes when I heard the floor boards began to creak from one direction. I looked but no one was there. I know floorboards expand and contract which are natural house noises but this was the sound of someone walking from one end of the room towards me. It was more then that I could hear someone moving forwards towards my bed yet there was no on to see. I know I was the only one in the bedroom. The bedroom door hadn’t opened so I knew no one had come in. As the noise got closer I felt the temperature drop further and it seem to pause in front of my bed. I was terrified so I closed my eyes. Whatever it was, it sat down on my legs. For something that wasn`t meant to be there it weighed quite a bit. I froze and tried my hardest not to breathe too loud or do anything that would draw attention to myself. I`m sure it was only there for seconds or even a few minutes but to me it felt like an eternity. That was the first time I have had physically contact with the supernatural and definitely not the last. Personally, I wouldn`t recommend it. I am not sure of the reasons, maybe it liked the stench of fear as I am sure I was giving off a lot of it, I really don`t know. I remember being freaked out by this and worried, what the hell was happening? The problem was I had no one I could trust to confide in. I had learned this lesson the hard way. I had a long way to go before I was more intrigued then scared and even further before I realised there were a lot of people out there who would not only believe me but would share their own experiences. Well on with the show.

Feel free to post your thoughts or if you want to know more let me know?

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Hello my name is Scott I have compiled a collection of ghost stories that are true and have happened over a 37 year period. I have been fascinated by this phenomena and decided to put them into writing. Here are a few clips from a book I have wrote called my Ghosts and I.


Chapter four

Guardian or Creepy Old Lady




I had started... <snipped>


In the interest of the folk who are reading this thread because they do believe in ghosts, as you are using it to promote your book, how exactly do you mean these stories are 'true' ?

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Rootsbooster. A bit of both. I have grown seeing things and made the mistake of mentioning at school. Consequently I bottled up my experiences and lived with some frightening things. I am older and more comfortable with being me and with what I see. If by sharing my book it helps people good. The book is even free to those who have kindle unlimited. I dont want people growing thinking it is in there head I want them to believe and not feel bad for it. See what you think

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Could someone please give me the postcode for the lane and bridge over the stocksbridge bypass thankyou I’m coming from M1 motorway junction 35A


A little post from a truck driver that has been up and down the by-pass since it was constructed several times a day, and at ALL times of the day and night. And who had to drive over the "haunted" bridge coming and going to work. I have looked tens of thousands of times for any sign of some kind of spectre, but alas non were seen. Deer, Fox, Rabbit and Badger in abundance, but nothing else.


Come off at J35a and head towards Manchester on the by-pass. Take a left down towards Fox Valley. At the bottom of the hill, make a right turn up the hill with the shop on your right. Up there 3 or 4 hundred yards and take an extremely sharp right turn to the right. A couple of hundred yards up, the "haunted" bridge you require goes over the by-pass.



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