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Sheffield Ghost Stories & Sightings

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How dare you call me naive you patronising person ! I could say worse but I am a lady so I will not ! You are the perfect example of what I hate about sceptics ! Just because you have not seen a ghost DOES NOT MEAN TO SAY THEY DO NOT EXIST ! I bet if you ever did see one you would be like my ex husband,who by the way was a stupid as you are where ghosts are concerned ,and did not believe in them ! Until he actually saw one for himself and believe me I have never seen him run so fast ! I was in hysterics ! You I bet would run like him and there is no doubt about that !!!!

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Do you know what ! Iv been skimming through this thread and there are some very interesting stories ! But I have to say I am steaming mad at the closed minded ,sceptics who just because they havent seen a ghost come out with the clap trap that they do not exsist ! B*******! I have seen loads especially in my line of work ,being a nurse ! I used to work at NGH and have seen and felt things there plenty of times !! Are these sceptics calling me a liar ! I have seen them at my present place aswell ! Me and my brother sense a ghost in Three Tuns in Paradise Square ! We sit in the corner just behind the door to the left in front of window and it becomes freezing at times ,to point my brother got major goose

bumps ! I have heard that this pub is one of the most haunted in Sheffield !!

I have seen Ghost tours in Paradise square regularly and I said we should ask them to go to Three Tuns ! Also we went to Carbrook Hall some years ago and there is a definite different feeling in the far room compared to the other rooms ! I heard it has connections to Mary Queen of Scots ,like where Im from which is near Manor Castle ! I wish the sceptics would see a ghost then they shut there mouths ! I am for freedom of thinking ,but stop saying ghosts dont exist !


Three Tuns is featured on the ghost walk - you have to take that walk with a pinch of salt though, as they talk of a man haunting the boardwalk who is actually still alive...

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Thats fair enough cos there is some pranks being played and I do take these with a pinch of salt ! Bet the person involved with Boardie would get a shock if they knew they were part of Ghost walk !!!


My guess is that they already know - the office I used to work in was on it twice! Once for the carpark, once for the building itself... The people who run the ghost walk say that all tales are researched and backed up through several independent sightings, but I was gobsmacked with the boardwalk tale, and even more suprised when people I knew in sheffield told me that the 'ghost' was alive and well and living in Skeg! It's all good fun, and I have to say that I have never believed in ghosts - I have myself seen things that in the heat of the moment I couldn't explain, but it didn't take long after to see how it was my imagination playing with me... I don't think there is anything wrong with others believing though - It's like kids with santa, it's just harmless supersition...

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How dare you call me naive you patronising person ! I could say worse but I am a lady so I will not ! You are the perfect example of what I hate about sceptics ! Just because you have not seen a ghost DOES NOT MEAN TO SAY THEY DO NOT EXIST ! I bet if you ever did see one you would be like my ex husband,who by the way was a stupid as you are where ghosts are concerned ,and did not believe in them ! Until he actually saw one for himself and believe me I have never seen him run so fast ! I was in hysterics ! You I bet would run like him and there is no doubt about that !!!!

It's clear that you're not naive. You're just plain deluded.


It's easily put right though. You just need to apply some of that science that you use in your work as a nurse.

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...I am steaming mad at the closed minded ,sceptics who just because they havent seen a ghost come out with the clap trap that they do not exsist ... I am for freedom of thinking ,but stop saying ghosts dont exist !

Most skeptics are open-minded. They're open to being presented with, and examining, evidence in support of claims that ghosts exist.


Present evidence in support of the existence of ghosts, evidence that can't be accounted for by looking to mundane scientific explanations, and you're on to a winner.

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I saw "something" once, in an old house in Calver village.


From the corner of my eye I saw a black figure, dressed like a highwayman in a huge black cloak.....when I looked again It had vanished so I thought no more about it, until , in the car on the way home another person from our party said that he had seen the same thing, but didn't want to mention it for fear of reprisals.......


To this day I cannot explain it, but for two people to see the same thing is a tad weird!

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I saw "something" once, in an old house in Calver village.


From the corner of my eye I saw a black figure, dressed like a highwayman in a huge black cloak.....when I looked again It had vanished so I thought no more about it, until , in the car on the way home another person from our party said that he had seen the same thing, but didn't want to mention it for fear of reprisals.......


To this day I cannot explain it, but for two people to see the same thing is a tad weird!

Not really. Images glimpsed out of the corner of your eye are indistinct due to the arrangement of receptors in the retina. Perception strives to add sense to the blurry image, hence you may perceive a recognisable shape. Cloaked figures are one of the most frequently reported ghost sightings (along with monks, nuns and ladies in long gowns), due to how easily that sort of clothing suggests itself from shadowy images.


Once you adjust your view so that the figure is centred, the figure disappears because the clarity of focus allows you to make out what you were actually looking at.

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I saw "something" once, in an old house in Calver village.


From the corner of my eye I saw a black figure, dressed like a highwayman in a huge black cloak.....when I looked again It had vanished so I thought no more about it, until , in the car on the way home another person from our party said that he had seen the same thing, but didn't want to mention it for fear of reprisals.......


To this day I cannot explain it, but for two people to see the same thing is a tad weird!


Most likely caused by the extract fan or boiler pump, not Dick Turpin risen from the grave.


Google Vic Tandy. He's the man who hasn't come back from the grave to say that he was wrong.

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Oh Tony I feel sorry for you for being so narrowed minded ! I obviously use science in my job,but that does not mean I dont see ghosts ! Possibly the reason you have never seen a ghost is because they cant be bothered to show themselves to you ! Never mind we wouldnt have such a good forum if it wasnt for diverse types ! It would be boring if we all agreed !

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