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Sheffield Ghost Stories & Sightings

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I've seen 4 of what you would call a ghost, and had another half dozen or so of what you'd imagine to be a ghostly experience. None of them were though. How many have you seen?


In view of the above, and since I don't jump from cold spot by the door straight to ghost, I don't think it's me that's narrow minded is it?

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How dare you call me naive you patronising person ! I could say worse but I am a lady so I will not ! You are the perfect example of what I hate about sceptics ! Just because you have not seen a ghost DOES NOT MEAN TO SAY THEY DO NOT EXIST ! I bet if you ever did see one you would be like my ex husband,who by the way was a stupid as you are where ghosts are concerned ,and did not believe in them ! Until he actually saw one for himself and believe me I have never seen him run so fast ! I was in hysterics ! You I bet would run like him and there is no doubt about that !!!!


Ex husband ....... did you scare him away !! Wooooooo !!

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Yes I did eventually scare him away for good ! Not before he saw the ghost of his Dad walking downstairs at the house we were living in ! OOPS he was ******** his pants AGAIN !

To answer the lovely Tony ! How can I be narrow minded just because I know what I have seen and you dont believe ! Thats not my fault is it and it wasnt just a cold draft in the pub either ! Thats just one thing ! Anyway I love this banter KEEP IT COMING !!!!

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he he saw the ghost of his Dad walking downstairs at the house we were living in

Alternatively, instead of seeing the ghost of his dead father, he imagined that he saw the ghost of his dead father.


Which one is more likely - the risen dead, or human error?



it wasnt just a cold draft in the pub either

Prove it then. Us narrow minded people want to hear all about it.

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Oh for goodness sake Tony WHATEVER ! You know very well unless you actually see one then you will never know ! Oh well one day you might actually have your eyes opened ! I do hope so then I can say Oh Tony I told you so and now you are not a sceptic anymore ! We will see eh ? I have seen loads of ghosts,far too many to count ! Hospitals are notorious for ghosts and I have seen loads ! The NGH is very haunted and where I work now is ! Oh well never mind !

Looking forward to your next dig !!!!

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I've seen four. Ten if you include the other really weird stuff.


They were not ghosts though.


You seem very closed minded to the possibility that you might have seen something other than a ghost. I'm no sceptic though - go ahead and convince me that you did and that the options that others have put forward cannot be true.


Over to you.

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There's some nice scary stories on this thread, but what have all of them got in common?


That's right, not a single shred of proof! We've all got camera phones these days and can instantly capture either a still or moving image if we see something supernatural. So why is it that no-one has ever captured irrefutable evidence of ghosts?.


I can't prove my story to an outsider, but I know my sister and she wouldnt lie, I saw her face she was genuinly frightened.

And I wasnt hearing things, I was inches away from the footsteps.

whatever it was, it was weird.

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I've seen four. Ten if you include the other really weird stuff.


They were not ghosts though.


You seem very closed minded to the possibility that you might have seen something other than a ghost. I'm no sceptic though - go ahead and convince me that you did and that the options that others have put forward cannot be true.


Over to you.


It doesn't hurt anyone to believe in ghosts... For those that do, it's probably something fun, or perhaps a comfort re a afterlife... For those of us who look for a more logical explaination, that's fine too... Stop being mean, and let her have her fun!

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I take your point and at one end it's harmless, but if you noticed her first post she seems to be disabling her children with her superstitions, even though she's a nurse! It's an interesting case in how we pass on our silly fears through the generations.

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