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Sheffield Ghost Stories & Sightings

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Yes, but you refuse to accept that other more sensible options are more likely.


I appreciate that you might not want to back down and adapt your beliefs but in maintaining your position you're continually underlining your adherence to the delusion.


Why won't you begin to consider that you're wrong, and that no natural laws have been broken? Why are you sticking to your delusion instead of the reality?


I'm not having a go because you're just exhibiting very common human traits. But wouldn't it be more logical to step back for a moment, have a think about the ordinary alternatives explained above, and perhaps concede that you're simply upholding millennia of silly unfounded superstition?

Tony i dont think you know what you are on about READ THIS i was around 8 or 9 when we moved in to this flat im now 45 and it will always stay with me and theres no way myself or the rest of my family and friends and neighbours and new tenants were imagining it..... when i was a child i moved into a flat with my mum and brother and sister, Stepney buildings bard street park the flat became empty by the tenant which was our next door neighbours brother he had passed away in there,so his old furniture were left in for if we wanted it,we did as my mother a single parent in them days was grateful of what you were offerd,

The day we moved in my family moved all the furniture around in the room,we went shopping we came back and all the furniture was back in the original place,then we got a kitten it died the same day we had around 4 kittens in a week and they wouldnt survive then on a saturday morning around 3 days after the last kitten died i was in the bedroom with my sister, we heard the door my sister thought it was me banging on the wall,when my sister went 2 the door no1 was there but big claw marks in the door,


Other weird happenings sitting in the toilet and hands touching your shoulder and no1 there,1 day my older sister sitting in the chair when suddenly decided to stand up for no reason and the gilt framed mirror on the wall fell from the wall and instead of falling to the floor went across hitting back of the chair,if my sister hadnt moved a second earlier she would have been seriously hurt my brothers mate used to sleep aged 17 he were scared to go in the bedroom alone,more things happened another friend threw himself out of the window and we lived next to top but he did survive,my mum asked our neighbour what could be happening,we found out the brother who lived in our home never married never liked children or pets.


We moved across to a different flat after around 4 years ,but still had this flat in view, a mother and baby moved in to it she lasted a few weeks and left screaming in the end they had to have a priest or whoever they are in as no1 would live there for any length of time the flats were eventually demolished.

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Do you know whereabouts in Graves Park has this been seen? It's a huge park and there are some very spooky area's in there.


The area in question,that of headless horseman is in Bunting Nook, which runs from Norton Church to Warminster Road,the site nearest to it in the Park is the Rare Animals enclosure.There is an entrance to the park there,actually the horsman is not headless,but he is on horseback.Bunting Nook is now a private road,you can only walk there on foot.There is a local legend of another ghost,who is said to appear in the area on the right of that entrance.There is a wall that runs alongside a large area of grass,this is supposed to be where the Greenman of pagan beliefs is seen.

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There are a number of dull explanations that immediately come to mind.


1. Most likely is that they don't actually have a match even though they think they do. They all experience totally different natural things but combine experiences into a false match when comparing. Humans like patterns and dislike conflict.

2. Environmental conditions cause a reproducible phenomena.

3. They have consciously or subconsciously read the environment.

4. They have an outside reference.

5. They are mentally ill.



But the risen dead? I think not.

how can you be so sure you are right and the rest of us wrong?Those of us,according to you,that have experienced spiritual activity are,delusional,have husbands who leave smells,are mentally ill,have nieghbours who make all the noises we poor deluded souls hear,we suffer from freak weather conditions that make even brand new house creak and moan,all our friends,who have experienced the same happening ,at the same time,at the same place,but you could not possibly be wrong, could you?just because you've never seen something does not mean it does not exsist,People believe in God,Allah,Buddhaetc, they have never actually seen any of them,but they still believe,I suppose they are all delusional or mentally ill

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If you believe you've been haunted then yes, you are delusional. Just accept you have an overactive imagination and that attributing incidents that have a rational explanation to ghoulies and ghosties is a bit silly.


the night the incident with the cold patch etc,it was my girls who drew my attention to it, not the other way round,no one had mentioned ghosts to them.As we lived in a detached house with few houses near us,they had not been influenced by any one else,we had just spent a pleasant evening with my parents,it was only nine o clock,the house was well lit,and warm,we had double glazing, so no draghts,no trees near the house,no man in the house,following incidents took place in a warm kitchen in full daylight,despite the noises we all slept reasonably well,we all arose at the same time the next day had a nice happy breakfast before we went into the loung and found the be headed Cappo de Monte figures,so why does that make us all delusional,I do not have an over active imagination, quite the opposite,I am very rational

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how can you be so sure you are right and the rest of us wrong?Those of us,according to you,that have experienced spiritual activity are,delusional,have husbands who leave smells,are mentally ill,have nieghbours who make all the noises we poor deluded souls hear,we suffer from freak weather conditions that make even brand new house creak and moan,all our friends,who have experienced the same happening ,at the same time,at the same place,but you could not possibly be wrong, could you?just because you've never seen something does not mean it does not exsist,People believe in God,Allah,Buddhaetc, they have never actually seen any of them,but they still believe,I suppose they are all delusional or mentally ill


this is so true,the problem with the people that say we are wrong and that we have imagined what we have experienced, if they did experience anything of this nature it would be that much of a shock to them and they would have to contact newspapers radio stations etc and go way over the top, also it would be worse than what any of us would have eperienced what do you think??

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If I said that I'd seen giant purple pixies dancing in my dining room, would you believe me? Or do I have to report grey figures, cold spots and funny smells in order to be taken seriously?

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how can you be so sure you are right and the rest of us wrong?Those of us,according to you,that have experienced spiritual activity are,delusional,have husbands who leave smells,are mentally ill,have nieghbours who make all the noises we poor deluded souls hear,we suffer from freak weather conditions that make even brand new house creak and moan,all our friends,who have experienced the same happening ,at the same time,at the same place,but you could not possibly be wrong, could you?just because you've never seen something does not mean it does not exsist,People believe in God,Allah,Buddhaetc, they have never actually seen any of them,but they still believe,I suppose they are all delusional or mentally ill

Just reread what you wrote.


Which is most likely, your list of dull things that really happen, or the dead rising from the grave?

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orielanne, here's why I'm right and you and others are wrong - deluded if you prefer.



If I said that I'd seen giant purple pixies dancing in my dining room, would you believe me? Or do I have to report grey figures, cold spots and funny smells in order to be taken seriously?


I've not seen the purple pixies but I've experienced all of the others, along with (imagine these in inverted comas as appropriate) footsteps, faces at windows, lights, voices, weird shadows, funny feelings of somebody stood behind me, lights on that I thought were turned off, doors opening, things not being where I put them, orbs on photographs, animals freaking out, deja vu, UFO's mediums, spiritual healing, the Holy Ghost... miracles!


But every single one had a pretty straight forward explanation when I'd had a proper think about it.


The usual explanation was a simple delusion. Choosing to stay deluded is quite another thing though. The intense expression of that delusional choice of borne out clearly throughout this thread.


Interestingly, that delusional choice does seem to be most often most fervently held by women. I've often wondered what elements of nature and nurture are at work. Electro / chemical biology can be pretty powerful forces to resist without some knowledge or process to counter them. (eg, such as you Hecate)



Men often don't automatically do empathy very well, so let's have not any hormonal bleats about my misogyny :)

Edited by Tony
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orielanne, here's why I'm right and you and others are wrong - deluded if you prefer.





I've not seen the purple pixies but I've experienced all of the others, along with (imagine these in inverted comas as appropriate) footsteps, faces at windows, lights, voices, weird shadows, funny feelings of somebody stood behind me, lights on that I thought were turned off, doors opening, things not being where I put them, orbs on photographs, animals freaking out, deja vu, UFO's mediums, spiritual healing, the Holy Ghost... miracles!


But every single one had a pretty straight forward explanation when I'd had a proper think about it.


The usual explanation was a simple delusion. Choosing to stay deluded is quite another thing though. The intense expression of that delusional choice of borne out clearly throughout this thread.


Interestingly, that delusional choice does seem to be most often most fervently held by women. I've often wondered what elements of nature and nurture are at work. Electro / chemical biology can be pretty powerful forces to resist without some knowledge or process to counter them. (eg, such as you Hecate)



Men often don't automatically do empathy very well, so let's have not any hormonal bleats about my misogyny :)

here we go, women are imagining whats happened in the places then where we have lived or visited,ok if you can, whats your views then on a close friend who was MALE couldnt cope with all what was happening and threw himself out of the window never went into the property again after that, also MALE again my brothers friend was scared to go in the bedroom alone i cant get in touch with them as we havnt been in contact for over 30 +yrs when we moved away and obviously my brother a MALE having to rearrange furniture again that had been placed back into the original place and the weird goings on were happening to him as the rest of us. Edited by me to you
missed words out
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