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Sheffield Ghost Stories & Sightings

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PrioryX, Do you mean the old Clock Tower of the NG Hospital? if so then you may be right about a certain prescence there. From what I know from a friend who works there alot of the staff wouldn't go up even during the daytime and a exorcist had to be brought in to bless the place.

This only happened a year or so ago, but a number of staff said they saw mysterious shadows and figures wandering around and following them!!:o

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me and my cousin are always out over the weekend ghosthunting in the car early hours of the mornin first of all i think carbrook hall isnt really active at all theres been the odd things giong on in there but not much weve been to many places in and around sheffield strines inn for example drove round the moors at 3.30am in the mornin but nothing compares to buntings knook weve been there a couple of times the first time we went we drove up and down the road a couple of times and nothing but the third we dorve past bang outside the gates of the big houses a scracthing sound was heard on the passanger side window then coming back up exactly the same again this was qiute spooky but not terryfiying the one that still scares me is the 3rd time me and my cousin drove up there 1st and second times we drove up and down nothing the third time we were in driving up in about 2 gear giong about 26 miles an hour bang outside the gates to houses again the car sut out and just stopped dead usually not something to worry about apart from the fact we were giong at a fast speed and the car stopped dead without using the breaks it owuldnt start the first couple of times then it did the third time it really an evil road and the best place weve been so far if you go up in a car go up and down the road four five times and something will happen and its true no birds sing on there ive never no kind of animal on there fox//bird/cat u name it we havnt seen it i know more places to visit back roads in the moors places in sheffield put a post up if ya want info

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does anyone know about the new bench at Ford in ridgeway sheffield/derbyshire borderline...quite near mosbrough....in memory (i think) of mr v.p.walker. its situated just past the pond at the bottom facing the trees and greenery where the kids usually run and play around ....

tonight we went for a walk and decided to sit on the bench for a few mins ..whilst there we both got a smell tobacco as if someone was stood quite close who was a heavy smoker.....like the smell was hung in their clothes ...... there was no one around only us ..... i got up and walked around and the smell went .there are no plants there , just grass, no cigerette ends or anything that would cause that aroma and so strong ......we sat a few mins longer and the smell returned ....... can someone explain why we would smell that? if it was mr walker .... thankyou ... for letting us sit and think about you and for allowing us to rest at your place .......

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I know what you mean Dawn, When i was a youngster i used to play at my friends house and he had an old bomb shelter at the top of his garden. We spent many hours pretending to be soldiers etc and the old man next door used to tell us all sorts of stories of the war. He used to smoke a pipe and the smell was really strong.

He died not long after and in the summer of the next year whilst we were playing in the shelter we both could smell the same strong tobacco that he used to smoke.

it happened a few times and there was never anyone else who smoked around at the time!

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Why dont you go along to somewhere "haunted" with some of the guys on this thread?

Personally ive never seen a ghost or gone looking for them. And im certainly not a firm believer, but i am atleast willing to have an open mind on the matter as i cant prove anything either way.

But i DO think you are as stubborn as a barn door!

How can you say they are liers and fakes??? You strongly believe ghost dont exist and they strongly do! Who is right?

Well just cos you dont believe them doesn't mean you ARE right does it?

I dont believe you know enough about editing pictures to have said what you have, but does that make you a lier and a fake? And does that mean i am DEFINATELY right about you?

I'll look forward to you no doubt proving me wrong about your skills, but at the same time it will also prove that your wrong in thinking you are DEFINATELY right about the ghost stuff no?!?!

At least go with them and have a look for yourself before you slag them off, im sure they would be accomodating??

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Originally posted by Ollie

Why dont you go along to somewhere "haunted" with some of the guys on this thread?

Personally ive never seen a ghost or gone looking for them. And im certainly not a firm believer, but i am atleast willing to have an open mind on the matter as i cant prove anything either way.

But i DO think you are as stubborn as a barn door!

How can you say they are liers and fakes??? You strongly believe ghost dont exist and they strongly do! Who is right?

Well just cos you dont believe them doesn't mean you ARE right does it?

I dont believe you know enough about editing pictures to have said what you have, but does that make you a lier and a fake? And does that mean i am DEFINATELY right about you?

I'll look forward to you no doubt proving me wrong about your skills, but at the same time it will also prove that your wrong in thinking you are DEFINATELY right about the ghost stuff no?!?!

At least go with them and have a look for yourself before you slag them off, im sure they would be accomodating??


It's not a case of being open minded, I was when I was younger. I have been to haunted places, seen things that scared me and everything else that goes with it. Like most children I was fascinated with these things.


I won't be going with them as I live in Chicago now. I used to post (when i live in Sheffield) and look in every now and again.


There is proof they don't exist. PLENTY of proof. It always amazes me that people are willing to believe the most unbelievable things over the more viable alternative. Ask yourselves why.


No what YOU should do is, do a little reading. Everybody searching for bizarre explanations to simple things in this thread should. Look at the links I posted, look at http://www.randi.org (BTW Randi offers 1 million dollars to anybody who can prove their photos or claims... NOBODY has won it, why?), there are hundreds of sites that debunk (as I have done) these idiots. Ollie I can say with 100% certainty that those picture were faked. Anybody with a digital camera of scanner, look at your own photos and see if you can find where each block of colour is so regulated when you zoom in. You won't be able to, it does not happen.. you have more chance of winning the lottery than "pixels" or blocks of colour happening naturally like that. It's been digitally altered. I can say with complete certainty. And there are plenty of other people out there doing the same, to keep people beliving. It's not rocket science, they made a mistake thinking nobody with a clue would look at them. They are taking the **** out of people like you. In private these people laugh at people like you, how they conned you in to believing. Like the students who did the crop circles, they laught at you people over a pint in the pub.


Millions of these picture have been proved to be fake. If you want to go through life being lied to, and be so gullible you believe (or do not discount the possibility) then that's fine. But be aware you are self delusional, that will never get you anywhere, it WILL allow people to take advantage of you, and there are plenty of people in this World trying to take advantage of you. That's the best advice I can give you, as somebody who once took advantage of people whole blindly follow, trust and beleive.


If people take one thing away from this, it's NOT harmless fun. Perpetuating these myths is not just something we should take flippantly and allow people to get away with. It DOES damage, indirectly, but it does damage. BIG damage. Trust me.


And people ask yourself why the paranormal people have not put up a decent argument. Because they know dam well they have been ousted as liars.


Knowledge is power.

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of course yoda exists, hes sat having a game of poker with the 'Bogie Man', Santa Claus and God.

Jesus was also in the game but had to leave to attend some crusifiction, but i think that may have just been an excuse cus he was loosing quite badly :D

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