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Sheffield Ghost Stories & Sightings

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The ghost in the boots store is very interesting but why haven’t they took a photo as they have saw him so many times ?


Is this Boots on High Street? I worked in Van Allan fashion on High St in 1980/81 and the basement stockroom was definitely haunted. It was one of those places where you just knew someone was watching you.

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I used to.


But only temporarily. I mean, for a few months.


I bought one of the new houses there but after just a few days in the property I began to regret it. It was haunted.


Some old guy told me that it was something to do with people that had died and passed on, who were patients in the old hospital. He said it used to be known as an "isolation hospital" back in the day. A place where folks with strange diseases and a need for isolation was required. He said that most people never came out of there alive.


I wish I'd known that before I bought it.


The first thing I knew is things kept going missing. Like, I'd put my car keys down by the kettle at night - next morning they'd have gone.


Then I came home to find pictures had fallen off the wall and broken. Or glasses were mysteriously smashed on the floor.


But one cold winter's night I was asleep in bed when the duvet literally lifted off the bed and starting spinning around above me in mid-air.


I never saw anything - but I'd had enough after that. I actually moved back home to my parents while I put the house on the market and sold it. I didn't even go back in there to move my things out. I just paid a removals firm to pack everything up and put it into storage.




You thinking of buying a house up there? It's a lovely spot.

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I used to be in the spinal injuries hospital before the homes were built I have read the ghost stories etc I want to see the green with a single tree a chap overlooking the tree saw a man digging a grave is this green in front of the apartments which used to be the nurses quarters on the hospital to the right as you go in the gates ? Thankyou for your reply if possible could you please private message me

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Is this Boots on High Street? I worked in Van Allan fashion on High St in 1980/81 and the basement stockroom was definitely haunted. It was one of those places where you just knew someone was watching you.


I remember when there was a basement sales floor in Boots but never knew about a haunted stockroom. Is the basement still used as a sales floor or did it just become one big stockroom?

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Do their sleeping bags lift off them and spin in the air? That would make camping a bit of a trial I should imagine.


I think stopping on a bridge is probably achievable. Go on....treat yourself! The monk could do with a chat.


Paula I wish you would stop knocking the ghosts of South Yorkshire, these ghosts have been haunting for 100s of years, all your doing is making there job a lot harder, give em a break, let them do there job.

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