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Racists the same as rapists?

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Seems that it is probably Solomon1 is the one who is both a racist and a rapist then eh ...... you should be ashamed of yourself lad .... really :rant:




Ok Mike, whatever you say


---------- Post added 19-01-2015 at 12:18 ----------


The two words are the same bar one letter. That is all


Well spotted Timmy


Can I also conclude that bassoons are the same as baboons?



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The two words are the same bar one letter. That is all. Can I also conclude that bassoons are the same as baboons?



I take it you've never tried to get a tune out of a baboon then? :hihi:


Following Solomon's train of thought... if you blow a bassoon are you likely to be the sort of person who'd blow a baboon? :wow:

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Racism is subjective where as rape is not


Must have missed this one...


Racism is subjective *mulls that sentence*


Nope, racism is pretty clear cut to me


Rape is not....hmmm


So what about the husband that doesn't feel he's raping his wife? That's pretty subjective isn't it Bill?


---------- Post added 19-01-2015 at 12:32 ----------


Following Solomon's train of thought... if you blow a bassoon are you likely to be the sort of person who'd blow a baboon? :wow:


I've put a question to you on the previous page Zamo


Would be interested in your erudite response

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  • 3 months later...
You are aware that not all the victims of rape are woman aren't you? Blows your first point out of the water.


Your second point is also misguided. I know one or two racists, neither of them (those I can think of now) genuinely think they have control over black people.



I would say that racists and the religious are a far better fit.


Both believe in ideologies that are routed (and belong) in the past.


Neither can back up their ideologies with any form of logical or sensible arguments.


Both the racist and the religious are highly likely to have had their world view polluted by role models during their formative years.


Both the racist and the religious ignore any evidence that contradicts their myopic world view.


Racism is supported in the sacred texts of many world religions.


One of the most famous racists groups on history, the Nazi's, were helped to escape prosecution by, not a large group of rapists, but a large group of religious people.

that would be the Vatican, they helped many Nazis escape .one of the reasons given was better the Nazis than the communists ,of whom they were very afraid .doesn't say much for their Christian charity when it came to helping the jews does it?

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soloman1 I think you have lost your way somewhere, there is no comparison between racist and rapist. For a start rape is a one on one offence racism is not the same at all. rape is not about sex so much as it is about power, racism is about predudice not power


---------- Post added 19-04-2015 at 21:22 ----------


Proof that you should never post after smoking weed.
or had a lobotomy


---------- Post added 19-04-2015 at 21:31 ----------


If it is so ridiculous, why are you here Michael? :)


Bored, lonely?


Racist or rapist?


Has to be at least one...


which one are you Solomon? ,the user name you have chosen, happened to be one of the wisest men born, how dare you equate yourself with him, talk about delusional

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Hi everyone


Following on from a topic discussed a few days ago, it got me thinking.


Are racists the same as rapists?


Rapists believe that they're better than women, that they have power and control over them.


Racists believe that they're better than other races, that they have power and control over them.


The same mentality? What do you think?



As Always




Err, no. What a strange analogy!!

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Ever the wit, Zamo


What do you think of racism? What do you think of rape?


Are the same kinds of people, likely to commit both?


I think racism is stupid and rape is nasty. People driven by their racism to do something criminal against another person (as oppose to simple having racist thoughts) are also nasty. People who do nasty things have nastiness in common but I fail to really see a specific link between racism and rape.


Perhaps you are thinking too much Solomon? Maybe a holiday away from SF would help you to reconnect with the real world... it always helps me!

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