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Racists the same as rapists?

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If I was a racist, I could chat with other groups of racists (bnp meetings I think they're called), or sit at home on my own and point at the telly and shout racist things at the people in it. Nobody is hurt or offended at either of those actions. If someone is a rapist they have, by definition, hurt someone else.


And go back 60, 70 years, everyone was racist - a lot of old people still are. They weren't all rapists.

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They weren't all rapists


I would disagree


Rape within marriage was only criminalised in 1991 in England


Much rape occurred within marriage, prior to this time - and still does


---------- Post added 20-04-2015 at 17:10 ----------


Again - difficult topic


Husbands felt entitled


Wives did not know their rights

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For me, there is a clear connection


The perpetrators of both, lack empathy for 'other'


But you are entitled to your view


Anyone who commits a crime lacks empathy for their victim.


I honestly think that you are part of a generation who we have sadly allowed to be scarred by political correctness. You've been brought up to fear racism above all else and you're so jumpy about it that you see it everywhere. You actually seem to genuinely believe that holding a view that some (zealot) might label racist is the start of a slippery slope towards becoming a rapist or murderer. Seriously Soloman.... you need to chill.


Racism (it's true meaning) is simply ignorance and being ignorant is far from the same thing as being a rapist.

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For me, there is a clear connection


The perpetrators of both, lack empathy for 'other'


But you are entitled to your view


Very simplistic view there. If you're citing alexithemic tendencies as a paridigm then you could equally include those who hate Marmite, Jedward, wasps, cyclists and the Polyphonic Spree in the same list as rapists and racists. Lack of empathy, as a Venn Diagram for instance, includes many things. Maybe you should narrow your parameters a little bit (or quite a lot to be honest). :roll:

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Hi everyone


Following on from a topic discussed a few days ago, it got me thinking.


Are racists the same as rapists?


Rapists believe that they're better than women, that they have power and control over them.


Racists believe that they're better than other races, that they have power and control over them.


The same mentality? What do you think?



As Always




Hitler was a racist.

Jimmy Saville was a rapist.


Who's worse Solomon?

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