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Man spared flogging because he hadn't recovered from last one.

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Sharia Law. Coming to a city near you shortly.


Even the word "Sharia" is pretty vomit inducing. I understand that we in the west are a lot more tolerent with crimes, ie; we dont stone people or chop their heads off, but any mention of this vile law making its way to these shores is just plain sickening. However, if the sympathisers and do-gooders carry on with with this myth that people are racist toward Muslims, then this horrible religion will continue to cut deeper into our social system.

People arent racist toward muslims, but they are very much against this barbaric set of rules that this religion stands for, and how far its followers are willing to enforce it.

I cant remember any Christians coming out in force, and attacking the Monty Python gang after Life of Brian.

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The hypocrisy of Saudi Arabia condemning the attacks in Paris whilst carrying out this sentence (originally "only" 600 lashes but deemed too lenient) is staggering.




It's a bit like the freedom of speech hypocrisy, what about this reporters freedom of speech= http://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/tim-willcox-apologises-to-daughter-of-holocaust-survivor-at-paris-rally-for-saying-palestinians-suffer-hugely-at-jewish-hands-as-well-9972840.html

Double standards as usual but if muslims are getting offended they are expected take it on the chin under the freedom of speech banner. :rolleyes:

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It's a bit like the freedom of speech hypocrisy, what about this reporters freedom of speech= http://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/tim-willcox-apologises-to-daughter-of-holocaust-survivor-at-paris-rally-for-saying-palestinians-suffer-hugely-at-jewish-hands-as-well-9972840.html

Double standards as usual but if muslims are getting offended they are expected take it on the chin under the freedom of speech banner. :rolleyes:


How many were shot?

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Have you got a problem with the way you answer questions or something?



No. you have .

plus instead of getting angry about being sprung trolling on SF stay under that rock you say you live under, google the poor innocent man we are disscusing , get angry about that and stop playing the naive prat.

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It's a bit like the freedom of speech hypocrisy, what about this reporters freedom of speech= http://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/tim-willcox-apologises-to-daughter-of-holocaust-survivor-at-paris-rally-for-saying-palestinians-suffer-hugely-at-jewish-hands-as-well-9972840.html

Double standards as usual but if muslims are getting offended they are expected take it on the chin under the freedom of speech banner. :rolleyes:


Here is an example of a newspaper apologies for printing cartoons of Muhammad.


Freedom of speech does not prohibit someone from apologising for causing offence if they want to and it doesn't change the fact that they are legally entitled to cause offence. There is no double standard... you need to brush that chip off your shoulder.

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Has Tim Wilcox been shot? flogged? threatened by Mossad?


Don't mistake enforced political correctness (no doubt at the hands of BBC head office: Tim, apologise or lose your job) for 'double standards'.


FWIW, I don't believe that Tim Wilcox had anything to apologise for.

Double standards as usual but if muslims are getting offended they are expected take it on the chin under the freedom of speech banner. :rolleyes:
Historically, in satirical terms at least, Jews, Catholics and political extremists <etc.> have been "taking it on the chin" far longer than Muslims. They've not shot, flogged, bombed, threatened <etc.> the satirists, that said. Take a leaf from their book?
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