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Advice needed for elderly cat


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Chez2, £80 is a lot of money to a part time worker with kids, I'm sure it's loose change to these professional people, I'm sure that they would plan home visits at the end of their shift on their way home too so as not to cause dispuption to the surgery, for 5 minutes of their time and a fivers worth of fuel, professional or not I don't think £80 is justified in my opinion, even the receptionist winced as he told me and said it was better to bring in!


I'm going to take my puss to the vets one day this week so will let you all know the outcome, thanks for the advice.

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I'm not disputing that £80 may seem a lot to you but for professional services it's not. Basic consultations are usually about ten minutes and they are often around £30.


What makes you think it would take your get five minutes? Do they live next door to your house? Travel time to your house then on home or return to surgery will take a while. Do you know you are on their route home? You could be totally in the wrong direction.


Think how much time you would expect to be paid for if your employer sent you on an errand off site for a five minute task. Then take into account the hourly rate of a vet who will have done many years of expensive further education and training.


Solicitors usually charge at least £150 per hour. That is the cheapest I was quoted a few years ago when I wanted some simple contracts drawn up. Most charge much more than that.


There are a lot of overheads when running a business. These have to be taken into consideration when charging. It's not just the hourly take home pay that people think should be the charge / fee.


Hope that helps you understand. I know it may still seem a strain on your purse, I'm not disputing that.

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I indicated that the consultation would be 5 mins, I appreciate that they have trained at their trade, but so have a lot of people, my experience of some professionals over the past couple of years is poor and I feel they are in the profession for the financial reward rather than the passion and fail to diagnose without referring to a text book. But this is going down a different route that I don't really want to follow so we'll agree to disagree.

I'll post when I've had a trip to the vet

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I'd definitely visit a different vet, the initial 'squeezing' thing doesn't sound right at all. If it's grown from nothing to conker sized in a few months in my mind it definitely needs investigating.


My dog has some sebaceous cysts and my vet said to leave them well alone unless they were causing bother and certainly never try and pop anything!

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