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Foie gras thread gone??

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my thread yesterday requesting info on foie gras for a steak dish has gone??? has it been moved mods?


I had no idea what it was but a quick Google says that foie gras is illegal in the UK, might be why it was deleted.



The TV presenter and wildlife lover hit out at how the duck liver delicacy is made after the Mirror revealed stomach-churning cruelty at a French production centre

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thank you:D but why hide it away there


I've seen it a number of times with different things, for example when people have asked about successful diets etc it has been moved to a different section in the Interest Groups part of the forum.


You could ask the mods if they'll move it back but don't know whether they will.

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thank you:D but why hide it away there


Mod Note:


It was put there as its a foodie type of request. They will be the best to help you with what youre looking for.



Also, when you create a thread and its moved, you are a sent a PM, so its always helpful to check there before creating a new thread.


As such, closing.


Thank you.

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