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Should Supermarkets provide bigger car park spaces for prestige cars?

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I see your point and not going to shout you down, I wouldn't dream of it!. it's not that many years ago where if you had one car in the family you were seen as fortunate. In reality most families would exist quite happily with something like a Golf / Focus but there's now so much choice, cheap credit and the need to run a a hyper speed lifestyle that two vehicles per house are seen as the norm.


The key difference isn't choice, credit or hyper speed lifestyles, it's having two working adults in most households.

If both adults work, it's nearly impossible to not have two cars IMO.


---------- Post added 19-01-2015 at 09:42 ----------


Park at the back of the car park where lazy, careless people like me will never venture. I will waste ten minutes crawling back and forth in my car to park in the front row and many others will do with the first five.


So retreating to the relative safety of the back end of the car park seems like a sensible option for anybody with a car which could be easily damaged by a feckless, reckless oaf such as I.


The weird thing is, if you do that, there's lots of space and you park well away from everyone else.

You always return to find that someone has parked close to you. It's like some herd instinct kicks in, and they can't leave a car sat alone...


---------- Post added 19-01-2015 at 09:44 ----------


Law has changed.


No, it hasn't, you're just making it up.


---------- Post added 19-01-2015 at 10:14 ----------


Last month some impatient bar steward on the M1 nearly killed me because he couldn't wait until I had moved into the tiny gap he had been wanting me to go into so he could overtake in the roadworks.


Trust me, I was more than a bit annoyed.


Yeah, I guess sometimes "nearly" means it was actually close to happening.


In the case of the OP it sounded like they were often annoyed by things that actually didn't have much chance of happening.

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Whats worrying is that both of us thought exactly the same thing..:-)

When I was a kid on long drives I'd sleep in the boot.




---------- Post added 19-01-2015 at 13:42 ----------


This right here is why I don't have kids. 'Let It Go' on repeat over a few hundred miles, and One Direction to look forward to as the kid gets older. The horror.

To be honest that's preferrable to singing twinkle twinkle for two an a half hours...




---------- Post added 19-01-2015 at 13:43 ----------


Law has changed.

No it hasn't. You were wrong the last time yuou brought this up and you're wrong now.



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If you cant go shopping with kids without needing special spaces you shouldn't have kids.


If you look around the car park you will find clumps of empty spaces together use them.i know they arnt next to the door but then your not lazy are you?


When there are no empty parent child spaces I do that, not that it helps when on my return someone has kindly parked right up next to me. Personally I can squeeze through a narrow gap to get into my car without my car door touching the other vehicle, it's a bit trickier when holding a 12 month old baby or a very inflexible car seat.



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You get annoyed when things NEARLY happen. :huh:


---------- Post added 19-01-2015 at 09:02 ----------



That's not true. Insurance works in a car park just like it does on the road. And so does the law regarding leaving details.


I stand corrected. In the 90's the law was changed to include private car parks in the road traffic act, as they are deemed in regular use by motorists.


---------- Post added 19-01-2015 at 15:20 ----------


When I was a kid on long drives I'd sleep in the boot.




---------- Post added 19-01-2015 at 13:42 ----------


To be honest that's preferrable to singing twinkle twinkle for two an a half hours...




---------- Post added 19-01-2015 at 13:43 ----------


No it hasn't. You were wrong the last time yuou brought this up and you're wrong now.




The law has changed. See above.

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Right so a Porsche 911 is't big.g. OK so not a prestige car then?


Does it have to be big to be prestige?


It's getting into semantics, but I'm not sure what a prestige car is, does it just mean it's expensive.

A 911 is nice, it's sporty, but is it prestige? And presumably being prestige doesn't mean it has to be sporty at all, but does require it to be somewhat expensive...

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When there are no empty parent child spaces I do that, not that it helps when on my return someone has kindly parked right up next to me. Personally I can squeeze through a narrow gap to get into my car without my car door touching the other vehicle, it's a bit trickier when holding a 12 month old baby or a very inflexible car seat.




Well maybe you need to look at why your allowing yourself to be in that position.

Here's a few tips


Plan your trips when the shops and at their busiest.

Stop being lazy and insisting on parking near the door.

Always there's spaces at the rear of the carpark everyone else is too lazy to use.

Reverse into the space leaving yourself more then enough room to get out and get your child out.

Where possible park your drivers side next to something that isn't a car space,such as end of row.

Take more than a space when needed.


Stop making excuses and blaming everyone else being a parent means being responsible.

Child and other spaces are just paint. The lot should be erased all they do is divide people and cause the supermarkets loads of grief they didn't want

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Well maybe you need to look at why your allowing yourself to be in that position.

Here's a few tips


Plan your trips when the shops and at their busiest.

Stop being lazy and insisting on parking near the door.

Always there's spaces at the rear of the carpark everyone else is too lazy to use.

Reverse into the space leaving yourself more then enough room to get out and get your child out.

Where possible park your drivers side next to something that isn't a car space,such as end of row.

Take more than a space when needed.


Stop making excuses and blaming everyone else being a parent means being responsible.

Child and other spaces are just paint. The lot should be erased all they do is divide people and cause the supermarkets loads of grief they didn't want


If you reverse your car into the space, how are you going to put your groceries into the boot?

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Does it have to be big to be prestige?


It's getting into semantics, but I'm not sure what a prestige car is, does it just mean it's expensive.

A 911 is nice, it's sporty, but is it prestige? And presumably being prestige doesn't mean it has to be sporty at all, but does require it to be somewhat expensive...





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