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Re home a dog from animal sanctuary


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Even the RGT has different rules within different branches I think you will find vw, sometimes its down to the actual person that you meet on the day. I have volunteered with a couple of rescues and if you get to chat to one of the experienced ones at some of them and explain that the dog will be ok, then they will look at it realistically.


Sometimes, as they get bigger, they get fewer experienced volunteers or even experienced staff (lets face it volunteers to give their time to this sort of work aren't easy to find when the work is thankless and endless) and sometimes you will get that person, that has to be told to stick to their rules - then they may do that - because a massive proportion of their dogs they take in get dumped because of the story "My working hours have changed and I can't possibly manage to keep and care for my dog, if you don't take it I will have to have it put to sleep" so when rescue centres get that told to them all the time, it sort of gives alarm bells to them - that working patterns can end up having dumped pets.


Only with experience can you make a judgement and even then people tell porkies.


At the end of the day - rescue centres and the staff or volunteers are just there to mop up the mess society is leaving behind. I can guarantee you - non of them do it because its what they want to do - its because there is a need and they care.

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This is not actually true in the case of many rescue centres, who will tell you a flat out NO regardless of what provisions you make. As soon as you say 'full time' they don't want to know.


Of course there are others who are fine and reasonable, but being told no doesn't necessarily mean you shouldn't get a dog or that you haven't planned everything out, sometimes it means that particular rescue has stupid rules (refer to my previous post about the RGT!).


This isn't my experience of RGT Sheffield. When we got our first greyhound from there, I don't recall them even asking about our jobs, beyond what our jobs were. We've always both worked full time and at the time we got our first one my work meant I had regular overnights away from home and my husband worked shifts, so the hound had to spend nights with relatives quite regularly. In all the time we were visiting her before she could come and live with us, those issues were never questioned.

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