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Unemployed and depressed :-( Please help!

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Long story short I was made redundant around 3 months ago, and I have been looking and applying for any and every job I am capable of doing with no success :( . I have a taxi liscense, but my family are advising me against becoming a cabbie.

I have considered applying for an SIA security guard/door supervisor badge, but having been a victim of an assault a few years ago I don't think that is something I would like to do :o


What should I do? I know it has only been a couple of months, but I am beginning to lose hope :huh: I am so depressed and suicidal thoughts are creeping into my head at night when I sleep:( .


Need advice please, Please help :help:

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Long story short I was made redundant around 3 months ago, and I have been looking and applying for any and every job I am capable of doing with no success :( . I have a taxi liscense, but my family are advising me against becoming a cabbie.

I have considered applying for an SIA security guard/door supervisor badge, but having been a victim of an assault a few years ago I don't think that is something I would like to do :o


What should I do? I know it has only been a couple of months, but I am beginning to lose hope :huh: I am so depressed and suicidal thoughts are creeping into my head at night when I sleep:( .


Need advice please, Please help :help:


I'd always suggest moving into sales. No experience required for some of the self employed positions. Once you have a couple of months experience, start applying for some salaried positions. The sky is the limit with sales. All you need is a bit of confidence when talking to people.

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Long story short I was made redundant around 3 months ago, and I have been looking and applying for any and every job I am capable of doing with no success :( . I have a taxi liscense, but my family are advising me against becoming a cabbie.

I have considered applying for an SIA security guard/door supervisor badge, but having been a victim of an assault a few years ago I don't think that is something I would like to do :o


What should I do? I know it has only been a couple of months, but I am beginning to lose hope :huh: I am so depressed and suicidal thoughts are creeping into my head at night when I sleep:( .


Need advice please, Please help :help:


Why not become a cabbie. Surely after getting your taxi licence working and earning is better than being unemployed for 3+ months.


Why should your family intervene what you do with your life. You don't have to stay being a taxi driver but whilst you are out of work why the hell not.


Even more so if you are feeling the way you are and seem to want to work. Getting back out there should raise your self esteem and money coming in, im sure will stop you feeling depressed.

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Why not become a cabbie. Surely after getting your taxi licence working and earning is better than being unemployed for 3+ months.


Why should your family intervene what you do with your life. You don't have to stay being a taxi driver but whilst you are out of work why the hell not.


Even more so if you are feeling the way you are and seem to want to work. Getting back out there should raise your self esteem and money coming in, im sure will stop you feeling depressed.


Totally agree. It's not something you have to do forever.


I'd avoid self employed sales jobs at the moment, if you are feeling depressed. There's nothing worse than working hard for nothing - that won't help you're mental well being.

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HI Mate


Sometimes it's not to easy to see the wood for the trees, but have a go at contacting somebody in a professional or experienced capacity. The Samaritans could be a start.


There are many others going through this so your not alone.

Remind yourself daily of the positives that you've experienced both personally and professionally and bear in mind these happened because you were a large part of it. Also take one day at a time, small steps of progress are better than big leaps that end with nowt!

Sorry I can't be of more help mate but you've got my best wishes for the future.

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Please don't despair you are not on your own. It is right that the work situation is improving overall but too late for some firms. Stick to what you know and are confident in doing.


Try and keep a daily routine going like you are working and do your job search at a library or local job club. With oil prices going down there is a little extra profit for part time workers to be employed. I am a big believer in job sharing and some people require a more flexible aattitude to work when nearing retirement or dealing with personal issues.


Approach firms with your experience as an Artisan in your field to see if anyone is wanting to lose a few hours because of their personal or family commitments which will make the companies look as though they actually think of their staffs needs.


You can see a councillor through your GP for depression and probably do a CBT course over 8-12 weeks, a free life skill that will enhance you even more.

Edited by SportsTrophy
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Long story short I was made redundant around 3 months ago, and I have been looking and applying for any and every job I am capable of doing with no success :( . I have a taxi liscense, but my family are advising me against becoming a cabbie.

I have considered applying for an SIA security guard/door supervisor badge, but having been a victim of an assault a few years ago I don't think that is something I would like to do :o


What should I do? I know it has only been a couple of months, but I am beginning to lose hope :huh: I am so depressed and suicidal thoughts are creeping into my head at night when I sleep:( .


Need advice please, Please help :help:


With respect sounds like you need some focus. Applying for every type of job is not a good plan, sounds like panic stations.

Are dwp helping? I have some recruiting experience and been on the other side too.


Be happy to give my advice and sort out your cv for an hour if you like, no charge. Let me know if that helps bud.

Good luck anyhow and dont give up hope.


---------- Post added 18-01-2015 at 21:00 ----------


Please don't despair you are not on your own. It is right that the work situation is improving overall but too late for some firms. Stick to what you know and are confident in doing.


Try and keep a daily routine going like you are working and do your job search at a library or local job club. With oil prices going down there is a little extra profit for part time workers to be employed. I am a big believer in job sharing and some people require a more flexible aattitude to work when nearing retirement or dealing with personal issues.


Approach firms with your experience as an Artisan in your field to see if anyone is wanting to lose a few hours because of their personal or family commitments which will make the companies look as though they actually think of their staffs needs.


You can see a councillor through your GP for depression and probably do a CBT course over 8-12 weeks, a free life skill that will enhance you even more.


With respect getting counselling thru the nhs could take weeks. Been there.

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