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Unemployed and depressed :-( Please help!

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I started signing on mid October and had an assessment for work at royal a few weeks after that. I managed to secure temporary work at royal mail during christmas thankfully, but then was let go shortly thereafter. I have been signing on for a few weeks now and I have the same advisor as before, who doesn't appear to listen to me very well and just gives me print outs and says here apply "wambam thankyou mam" for this and goodbye :confused:


Well whoever he is empathy doesn't come across as one the strong points!

However the most important thing is you! so talk to someone who has empathy & understanding and don't let the so and so's grind you down!:)

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How badly do you need money? Sounds daft, I know, but sometimes you can get a nice and rewarding job by volunteering at a place first. I know the police operate a volunteering scheme, certain charities do too.


I used to be a support worker, it can be quite rewarding, depending on what exactly it is that you do. It's not for everyone though, so if you're feeling down you may not need the psychological pressure associated with this particular line of work.


Security is not a bad thing to consider. Contrary to the common misconception, you are more likely to become a victim of assault if you are just a customer in a shop/pub/club....



Whatever you choose to do, I wish you the very best of luck. :) It will get better. :)

Edited by strixy
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Long story short I was made redundant around 3 months ago, and I have been looking and applying for any and every job I am capable of doing with no success :( . I have a taxi liscense, but my family are advising me against becoming a cabbie.

I have considered applying for an SIA security guard/door supervisor badge, but having been a victim of an assault a few years ago I don't think that is something I would like to do :o


What should I do? I know it has only been a couple of months, but I am beginning to lose hope :huh: I am so depressed and suicidal thoughts are creeping into my head at night when I sleep:( .


Need advice please, Please help :help:


How sad. This really appalls me as there are waste of spaces out there who are not trying to get a job and people like you who are trying hard to get into work.


You may not have thought of this but have you tried work agencies? There are a number in Sheffield. Also have you thought about looking for work in Leeds or Nottingham. Its not to far to travel and the commute is ok.


Best of luck with your job hunting!

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Need advice please, Please help :help:


Sorry to hear about your situation Ned, sounds tough :shakes:


I would encourage you to look after your body and mind during this difficult time...


Go for a WALK, to get fresh blood and oxygen to your brain - it will improve your mood.


It will also ensure you get some daylight, so important in these winter months, which will help you sleep better....an important factor in improving low mood.


Try and eat healthyily - fresh fruit and veg. Drink water, avoid alcohol which is a mood depressant.


Talk to friends and socialise as much as you can - help make you feel better


Good luck dude, this time will pass and good things are on their way :)

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Are dwp helping? I'm going to go out on a limb and say no they aren't. I think most people get work despite dwp rather than because of them (unless you count the threat of having your benefits taken away as "helping")


Its really a problem. Why have 'advisors' there in the first place? why not call them 'sanction agents' because in reality the govt wants less numbers on benefits, to massage the figures.

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and work for peanuts


Sorry, comments like this are why so many 'English' people sit at home on their backside collecting benefits and complaining that 'foreigners' are taking their jobs.


For most people, having a job is more about just pay, it's a sense of pride in getting out the house and working hard to provide for your family. I hope the OP finds something soon.

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Sorry, comments like this are why so many 'English' people sit at home on their backside collecting benefits and complaining that 'foreigners' are taking their jobs.


For most people, having a job is more about just pay, it's a sense of pride in getting out the house and working hard to provide for your family. I hope the OP finds something soon.


I agree and I do feel for the OP because they are trying to get a job. I have real respect for this poster. I hope the poster finds a job soon too. An employer would be proud to have a person like that working for them.

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Sorry to hear about your situation Ned, sounds tough :shakes:


I would encourage you to look after your body and mind during this difficult time...


Go for a WALK, to get fresh blood and oxygen to your brain - it will improve your mood.


It will also ensure you get some daylight, so important in these winter months, which will help you sleep better....an important factor in improving low mood.


Try and eat healthyily - fresh fruit and veg. Drink water, avoid alcohol which is a mood depressant.


Talk to friends and socialise as much as you can - help make you feel better


Good luck dude, this time will pass and good things are on their way :)


This is most excellent advice Ned. If you can go for a walk - an hour in the morning and an hour before it gets dark - it will lift your mood. The fresh air, the light and the great Sheffield views will help you to ground yourself.

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