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Any stay-at-home dads or career mums out there??

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Hi all,


I'm a PhD student at the University of Lincoln and I'm developing a research project for parents. I'm looking for stay-at-home fathers (fathers who are highly involved in childcare) and career mums to take part in the study.


The study is exploring parents' attitudes and the ways in which families organise work and childcare. It only involves completing a 20 minutes anonymous online questionnaire. If you fit our criteria and complete the questionnaire fully, you will receive a £10 Amazon gift card.


You can now sign up for the study on our website: parentsattitudestudy.blogs.lincoln.ac.uk/sign-up/


Don't miss the opportunity to take part in this exciting and important research!


If you have some questions or would like to know more information please don't hesitate to ask me via e-mail mlobopinho@lincoln.ac.uk



Looking forward to hear from you.


Best wishes,


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