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Divorce Solicitor Funding Since End Of Legal Aid

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Why do you think the government i.e. taxpayer i.e. me should fund your divorce?

Because she has a right to legal representation. While that stands, your rhetoric is misplaced.

If you can't afford to get divorced, don't get divorced.

If all is as sounds, she has grounds for a divorce if her husband was cheating on her. She is entitled to legal remedy to end her marriage.


The end of legal aid in this country is a gross miscalculation on the government's part.

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It seems that you are being given a lot of legal advice with the best of intentions without the necessary qualifications.

It would seem that mediation is out of the equation as your husband is now in another relationship.

With regards to him having the kids for 50% of the week is not the be all concerning maintenance.ie Do you work or look after the children full time? Contact the Child Support Agency,they will decide maintenance not your ex partner.

Seek advice immediately from a solicitor concerning the possible divorce because at some point one will be required .

You did not say if the house was in joint names or if it belongs to him .Either way you have entitlements and even more so with you having children.

Not sure how far the house sale has gone,but your ex does not have the sole responsibility on the house,bank account,and matrimonial household goods.See a solicitor ASAP,and you will see things a lot clearer

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Last poster needs to take their own advice.

Go away and learn about financial settlements and the requirement for mediation.

Go away and learn how using the CSA wastes money.


The only sensible advice that I agree with is that it will be worthwhile to talk to a solicitor.

The last poster is wrong if they are saying that you cannot do this without one, but I do believe the complexities mean that it is worth getting some specific legal advice when you understand all that is involved.

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I have phoned citizens advice for information about any solicitors that may do a kind of funding like the old legal aid, as i am genuinly pennyless since the move out.

Citizens advice said that Howells in Sheffield was the only one that would give you free representation via some sort of government scheme. It just seemed a little strange that there could only be one if it was funded.

Anyway, i rang Howells, and you guessed it, my hubby is already using them, so they cannot represent me as well.

After a little research, I think all Legal Aid for divorce* has gone, so your husband hasn't beat you to anything. If that was the case then Howell's would have to also offer the same legal aid to you, and it would be a conflict of interests. I think maybe you've misunderstood what service Howell's is offering - it certainly isn't legal aid.


The divorce is only part of your problem though. That seems to be the easy bit - you both agree to seperate. The second, messier part, is a financial settlement. If you have a beneficial interest in the property, ie. you are entitled to some of the asset after seperation, then a solicitors might consider taking on the work if they are willing to offer you the credit to do so. Of course, in all messy divorces, this quickly will turn into a costly business.


The best route, always, would be to speak to your husband and appeal to his wallet. The cheapest and easiest route is to come to some agreement together. Easier said than done, sometimes.


*There is still legal aid for divorce with domestic violence issues.

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The worst thing about having a facility like SF is that it allows Tap Room Lawyers loose to say something without saying anything and ultimately allows opinion rather than help.Well done cgk ,I think that your legal knowledge will really have helped .

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Thankyou so much for your answers. I am taking them all on board, and i have made a little progress. Most very helpful and have pointed me in the right direction to get started.


If anyone has any mediation places, or recommend solicitors from experience, please post them. I do have an appointment booked, but that could change.

Thanks again.

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Unfortunately as others have pointed out you can no longer get legal aid for divorces (correctly in my opinion).


From what i can see from this thread you need clear advise from a professional rather than asking a load of bedroom solicitors.


Give Leanne Barton at call at Cartwright King on 0114 321 1000, they have fair rates and she really knows her stuff so im sure she can help you.

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