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Eric Pickles letter to Muslim leaders

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According to this it's the "implication that radicalisation takes place in mosques" that the MCB are annoyed about= http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-30877447

Nothing wrong with the letter in my opinion.....


Probably what they see as normal we see as extremism.



extensive investigation Dispatches reveals how a message of hatred and segregation is being spread throughout the UK an undercover reporter joined worshippers to find a message of religious bigotry and extremism being preached.



An undercover investigation has revealed disturbing evidence of Islamic extremism at a number of Britain's leading mosques and Muslim institutions, including an organisation praised by the Prime Minister.




EXCLUSIVE: A 10-month undercover investigation into home-grown extremism has revealed hard-line Islamic fundamentalism being preached in British mosques.

IN a dilapidated mosque, half a dozen awestruck young men listen to a preacher spell out his vision for Britain.


"King, Queen, House of Commons... if you accept it, you are a part of it," says Dr Ijaz Mian. "If you don't accept it, you have to dismantle it.


"So you being a Muslim, you have to fix a target. There will be no House of Commons. From that White House to this Black House, we know we have to dismantle it.


"Muslims must grow in strength... then take over."


A 10-month undercover investigation into home-grown extremism has revealed hard-line Islamic fundamentalism being preached in British mosques.


Some speakers call for girls to be hit if they don't wear Islamic dress and say that they can marry before puberty, others praise the Taliban.

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As I heard it on the news the MC is particularly annoyed about one particular phrase, it seems like nitpicking to me and quite unhelpful in the spirit of what Pickles is actually trying to achieve. I think he is right in seeking dialogue and from what I heard from the few muslims that were interviewed about it, they agree.


It's the classic way of avoiding the original subject.


After all, look at how discussions on Sheffield Forum end up with people discussing spelling mistakes in posts when they can't actually formulate a proper reason why they don't like the subject matter they are replying to.

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The media in this country are the ones that are responsible for the tensions in this country.

Not a day goes by without something else to blame on Muslims apparently.If i was a Muslim,id be sick to the back teeth of it.Infact im not a Muslim and sick to the back teeth of all this daily crap.

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The media in this country are the ones that are responsible for the tensions in this country.

Not a day goes by without something else to blame on Muslims apparently.If i was a Muslim,id be sick to the back teeth of it.Infact im not a Muslim and sick to the back teeth of all this daily crap.


So you do not think we should be told about the preachers of hate that spread their extremist views in British Mosques?

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So you do not think we should be told about the preachers of hate that spread their extremist views in British Mosques?


I see no need to be told every five minutes no.If there is so much of a problem then it needs dealing with.a letter with requests isnt dealing with it is it lol


other than on TV how has it affected your life? It hasnt!!

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I see no need to be told every five minutes no.If there is so much of a problem then it needs dealing with.a letter with requests isnt dealing with it is it lol


I do not think we are told every five minutes and I agree that the letter is pointless, covert surveillance would be much more productive.

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It affects our life every day and I am more concerned for the future of my descendants than I am for my remaining years.


Please do tell us how it affected your life today lol.


What you need to do if your so concerned write to Blair and ask him why he chose to go round Muslim countrys with mass bombing and taking their oil.

You also need to choose very carefully where your next vote goes to prevent more of the same.

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I see no need to be told every five minutes no.If there is so much of a problem then it needs dealing with.a letter with requests isnt dealing with it is it lol


other than on TV how has it affected your life? It hasnt!!


It affects some of us though.


Because of the threat level we are back to checking under the car with mirrors, not parking next to the house, no uniform in public if it can be avoided etc.


A letter won't change things but it may start the dialogue that does.

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