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Eric Pickles letter to Muslim leaders

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Just because someone said something doesnt mean its right.


You like me have seen absolutely zero evidence of it or have you lol


I wish that what you are saying was true.


It isn't.


There are real threats and the number of foiled plots is high.


Of course they aren't only from Islamic extremists but at this time they are the most active.


We don't have proof because thankfully the attacks were prevented.


Denying it's happening is a bit risky, even if we just agree that at any one time there are nutters intent on injuring people it could make us more aware of risks and possible danger.

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Mate you need to read whats been said with a little more accuracy.


here it is again....


"2014 Five terror plots have been stopped this year, the commissioner of the Metropolitan Police has said."


so why point to old terrorist crap? lol


Ok I accept that is not proof of those five, but it is evidence of a lot of prosecutions.

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I wish that what you are saying was true.


It isn't.


There are real threats and the number of foiled plots is high.


Of course they aren't only from Islamic extremists but at this time they are the most active.


We don't have proof because thankfully the attacks were prevented.


Denying it's happening is a bit risky, even if we just agree that at any one time there are nutters intent on injuring people it could make us more aware of risks and possible danger.


Mate stop listening to the BBC and the terrorist attacks stop lol.Try it.Turn off the TV and there gone :)

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Ok I accept that is not proof of those five, but it is evidence of a lot of prosecutions.


your evidence and my evidence differs greatly.


My evidence doesn't amount to something written on a web page.


---------- Post added 19-01-2015 at 21:34 ----------


I would miss Bill and Carol too much :)


............ Who :)

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I wish that what you are saying was true.


It isn't.


There are real threats and the number of foiled plots is high.


Of course they aren't only from Islamic extremists but at this time they are the most active.


We don't have proof because thankfully the attacks were prevented.


Denying it's happening is a bit risky, even if we just agree that at any one time there are nutters intent on injuring people it could make us more aware of risks and possible danger.


Heres my proof.If i didnt turn the TV on,there would be NO terrorist attacks.Thats proof enough for me.

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It affects some of us though.


Because of the threat level we are back to checking under the car with mirrors, not parking next to the house, no uniform in public if it can be avoided etc.


A letter won't change things but it may start the dialogue that does.


If you do those things you are pretty sad...

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It affects our life every day and I am more concerned for the future of my descendants than I am for my remaining years.


Ah yes but over 100,000 British jobs depends on selling weapons to these terrorists states. Never too late to jump on the gravy train. A few more regime changes will benefit your descendants a healthy living. If you get stuck read up on Blair....


ps if your house gets burgled or someone get mugged and police don't show up. Remember national security comes first!

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According to this it's the "implication that radicalisation takes place in mosques" that the MCB are annoyed about= http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-30877447

Nothing wrong with the letter in my opinion.....


Well that is a mistake. Its obviously the quran.


---------- Post added 19-01-2015 at 23:25 ----------


If you do those things you are pretty sad...


What a high quality response from the EU fan than enables this nonsense.

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