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Will we ever know the meaning of life?

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It also depends on what you mean by 'the meaning of life'.


How the universe (or biological life) began is not necessarily the same thing as why it began, or why we are on this planet and whether there is a wider purpose to our lives than just existing as the lucky products of random evolutionary events.


Answers should be no longer than 50 words and should be wholly original...



We are all plant food.

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We are all plant food.


Eventually, yes, we are, but that answer is simply a descriptor, not an explanation, and refers to what we become after death, not what it 'means' to be alive.


The thread question also assumes that there is only ONE 'meaning of life' when it is possible to argue that it is variable rather than constant. The problem is that we are trying to pin down something objective, but with our present understanding it can only be subjective.


Was the meaning of Michael Jackson's life the same as the meaning of Gandhi's, or of Saddam Hussein's?

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This is from another thread that got a bit derailed by the topic. Thought I'd start a fresh one.


Whether you're religious or and atheist (like me), it's impossible to say for sure that theirs no such thing as a god or divine creator.


I reckon we were created by higher intelligence from beyond the stars to serve and be used as tools for their own gain. Once they had taken what they needed from our planet they then left us to our own devises.


And I think some of them took pity on us and came (and still do) visit us and give us snippets of intelligence as to help us move on from knuckle dragging beasts into the modern day human beings we are, and we will continue to be fed intelligence until we are back living amongst the stars where we belong...

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So it could have been created? Therefore there could be a "god" behind all this? Maybe not an all seeing, hearing being that listens to prayers and punishes evil. But some kind of creator. One we will never meet.


So not a God then unless you are prepared to change the definition of God.


God is the vacuum of space and because I can prove that the vacuum of space exists it follows that God also exists.

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There's a reason why we are here isn't there, whether for good or bad reasons or even if we are a mistake, it was still meant that we be here.


Why? That's what I'm asking you, why does there have to be a reason?

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