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Will we ever know the meaning of life?

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Then go on a Dolphin site and discuss the meaning of life with one you troll.


Why do you always resort to abuse when you are demonstrated to be wrong, if you cannot tolerate your opinions being challenged may I suggest you keep them to yourself.

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What's all this ''troll'' business??


I have never seen such overuse of a word as I have here on SF..


If you have a different opinion you're a troll, if you use sarcasm (some call it wit) you're a troll..


Lately I've been called a troll by a few people... just because I had a difference in opinion and they secretly agreed with me but didn't admit it... hence I'm a troll!


Usually these days when someone calls someone a troll, it's usually because they've got nowhere to go with their argument. ;)

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Another thought is none human animals such as a cat... a cat I think as some conscious, hence the need to be stroked and loved... to some respect.


A cat has only one need in life and that is a paw operated tin opener :-)


---------- Post added 20-01-2015 at 15:29 ----------


Usually these days when someone calls someone a troll, it's usually because they've got nowhere to go with their argument. ;)


Sad, but very very true.

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There are plenty of other species that think cognitively towards and beyond reproduction.


Nonsense. As skinz says, humans are the only animal which thinks in a complex way, as opposed to acting instinctively. 'Cognition/cognitive thinking' refers to reasoning/rationality. The nearest other animals get to it is working out how to use natural objects as tools to get at food. They do not think abstractly, plan ahead or reflect on experience as humans do.


Nor do animals troll internets sites like you do, although their posts might be more interesting.


---------- Post added 20-01-2015 at 20:46 ----------



Usually these days when someone calls someone a troll, it's usually because they've got nowhere to go with their argument. ;)


Not true. It is not really to do with disagreeing with someone's argument, just identifying when someone is posting irrational nonsense for the sake of it/to wind people up/derail a thread.I have no opinion of whether you are one of them or not, but this forum is awash with them at the moment. That said, most of them are the same person (with multiple usernames).

Edited by aliceBB
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Nonsense. As skinz says, humans are the only animal which thinks in a complex way, as opposed to acting instinctively. 'Cognition/cognitive thinking' refers to reasoning/rationality. The nearest other animals get to it is working out how to use natural objects as tools to get at food. They do not think abstractly, plan ahead or reflect on experience as humans do.



Your incorrect assertion is obviously based on your inability to think in complex ways.

Some will make tools to make it easier to acquire food, humans also do this.

Some play games as a means to relieve boredom, humans also do this.

Some live in very complex social groups and are very likley to have names for each other, humans also do this.

Some are very inquisitive much like humans.

Some are capable of learning and teaching.

Some are capable of showing the full range of emotions.

Most we simply do not understand because we lack the ability to fully understand their lives.


So what do we do that no other animal does?

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Have you not seen the care some animals give to their offspring and the sadness they endure when one of their group dies, is that not love, some mate for life, is that not love.


s not a sign that the mother loved her baby.


---------- Post added 20-01-2015 at 20:52 ----------


Not true. It is not really to do with disagreeing with someone's argument, just identifying when someone is posting irrational nonsense for the sake of it/to wind people up/derail a thread.I have no opinion of whether you are one of them or not, but this forum is awash with them at the moment. That said, most of them are the same person (with multiple usernames).


So you are of the opinion that your opinions are always true, you therefor incorrectly assuming that any opinions that differ from your opinions must be irrational nonsense, and because you are intolerant of those opinions you resort to abuse. I think there is a ward that describes your intolerance.

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Your incorrect assertion is obviously based on your inability to think in complex ways.

Some will make tools to make it easier to acquire food, humans also do this.

Some play games as a means to relieve boredom, humans also do this.

Some live in very complex social groups and are very likley to have names for each other, humans also do this.

Some are very inquisitive much like humans.

Some are capable of learning and teaching.

Some are capable of showing the full range of emotions.

Most we simply do not understand because we lack the ability to fully understand their lives.


So what do we do that no other animal does?


Go on holiday to Benidorm!:)

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The meaning of life is to live and then die, possibly some reproduction along the way.


The End.


Ooh, no reproduction, we're too crowded as it is!


---------- Post added 21-01-2015 at 00:46 ----------


I can't believe Smithy has turned a thread about the meaning of life, in to an argument about dolphins!?

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