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Give us your internets or we will kill you!

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More powers needed to save s from these terrible muslim killers.

Is anyone really falling for it anymore? What with the Paris false flag andnow according to a TV military 'expert' we will have one of our own unless we give up more freedom to our carin government. Its for our own good dont ya know :(

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Ironically, it appears that the security services[1] have finally woken up to the fact that events like Lee Rigby's murder and the Charlie Hebdo attacks can't have been stopped by more electronic surveillance and what they actually need are more people watching suspects in real life. So they've finally decided to employ more mobile surveillance officers.


Few people object to suitably targeted surveillance with appropriate oversight. The problem is, as demonstrated by the Snowdon leaks, we can't trust the security services to operate within suitably narrow targeting or an effective oversight regime.


[1] As well as their endlessly repeated calls for more surveillance powers.

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False Flag - a theory that the operation was actually carried out by our own side or allies in order to gain more funding or authority for the relevant service


Also referred to as a "fundraiser"


I'm not a great fan of theories like this but sometimes the timing of an event is extremely convenient

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