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Give us your internets or we will kill you!

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More powers needed to save s from these terrible muslim killers.

Is anyone really falling for it anymore? What with the Paris false flag andnow according to a TV military 'expert' we will have one of our own unless we give up more freedom to our carin government. Its for our own good dont ya know :(


Agreed. You can't defend liberty by taking it away.

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At the moment your banking transactions on the internet are secure against anything, including a warrant as the encryption is unbreakable.


If that's removed, as Cameron wants, the first thing that will happen is about a fifth of the UK's GDP will move to Frankfurt, Paris and New York. (and don't complain that's a fifth that we can do without - losing that much GDP will have a catastrophice effect on the UK).


Secondly, well after that who cares about the secondary, we will be reduced to asking Greece for a handout if that goes ahead.


It' won't of course - Cameron is not that stupid he's just asking for the impossible to make it more palatable for the rest of it.


So what liberties will you lose? The right to discuss freely with others. Privacy is a basic right, and a basic need. There are no people whose lives will stand up to public scrutiny without some form of embarrassment, and don't kid yourself - you will be. If that is removed - and as more and more things move online it becomes ever more important, then we are faced with interacting less and trying to hide in an ever decreasing area of state scrutiny.

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At the moment your banking transactions on the internet are secure against anything, including a warrant as the encryption is unbreakable.


The fact they are unbreakable and nothing to do with terrorism would suggest they will not be affected.


So what liberties will you lose? The right to discuss freely with others. Privacy is a basic right, and a basic need. There are no people whose lives will stand up to public scrutiny without some form of embarrassment, and don't kid yourself - you will be. If that is removed - and as more and more things move online it becomes ever more important, then we are faced with interacting less and trying to hide in an ever decreasing area of state scrutiny.


I will still be able to discus anything I like on line and if I want total privacy I would not be talking on line anyway.

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How will my liberty be lost by giving Britain’s intelligence agencies the legal power to break into the encrypted communications of suspected terrorists?


Who are? Who will be? Who could be?

The answers are

No one. Anyone. You?


Give a government this kind of power and they will abuse it as night follows day.

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The fact they are unbreakable and nothing to do with terrorism would suggest they will not be affected.


The same encryption methods are used. Breaking encryption used by terrorists = breaking encryption for everything = no e-commerce = huge economic impact.

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How will my liberty be lost by giving Britain’s intelligence agencies the legal power to break into the encrypted communications of suspected terrorists?


what next,searched as you come out of your house ,just incase?




would you agree to microphones in your home? Whats the difference?



Foot in the door...........

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