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Give us your internets or we will kill you!

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In what way is checking someone's physical baggage at the airport the same as having all your secure communications/shopping/banking/messaging intercepted?


Please explain. If you want this then go and live somewhere like China or North Korea. Then when you disappear because you might have written something vaguely anti-government in an email to your mate as a joke you can come back and tell us it was all worth it.


What I have in my suitcase is far more private than anything I may say on line.

I have not seen anything to suggest the government are going to intercept my online banking transaction and even if they did why would I be bothered that they now know I just bought a new set of pans.


I do not need to move because I am not bothered either way, but I imagine you will be on the first plane out of here if they do introduce the policy.

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Has anyone noticed that encryption only applies to the content of messages ?


You know "content" that thing HMG swore seven ways to Sunday it didn't want and wasn't interested in and was a step too far and they'd be happy with just the "metadata" thank you very much so we can all stop worrying about GCHQ looking at the content of messages.


That content they now appear to want to look at and don't want encrypted in any way that might prevent them.

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I have no worries at all about any private conversation I may have been made public by this legislation.
OK can you PM me the address of your mailserver, your email address and your password so I can have a look through and see for myself please, also your electronic banking details so I can verify there have been no suspicious transactions and you won't mind if I publish the details so everyone else can have a look too


After all you have no worries at all about any private conversation you have being made public

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OK can you PM me the address of your mailserver, your email address and your password so I can have a look through and see for myself please, also your electronic banking details so I can verify there have been no suspicious transactions and you won't mind if I publish the details so everyone else can have a look too


After all you have no worries at all about any private conversation you have being made public


Can i have those details when youre done? Ive got car repairs to pay for :hihi:

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OK can you PM me the address of your mailserver, your email address and your password so I can have a look through and see for myself please, also your electronic banking details so I can verify there have been no suspicious transactions and you won't mind if I publish the details so everyone else can have a look too


After all you have no worries at all about any private conversation you have being made public


Me giving you the information is entirely different to our security services having the ability to see it, and even then I very much doubt that they will look, so I have no worries about people like you getting hold of my private information because of something they do.

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Me giving you the information is entirely different to our security services having the ability to see it, and even then I very much doubt that they will look, so I have no worries about people like you getting hold of my private information because of something they do.
Why not ? am I not trustworthy ? I've told you exactly what I intend to do with the information


Just like the civil servants and police officers who are also supposed to be trustworthy and tell you what they intend to do with the information.


Those same civil servants and police officers who have been reported and found guilty in numerous threads on this very forum for abusing terrorist legislation for their own ends.


And there have been many complaints about me abusing my position as a moderator, none found to be true though or I wouldn't still be here ;)


The problem with trusting the authorities not to abuse this legislation is that they already abuse the legislation they have, so trusting them not to abuse new powers to look at private communications is naive.


So OK you obviously don't want everyone knowing your private details, how about just me, hand on heart I will not disclose your bank or email information to any third party except the authorities on production of a warrant unless I find something I think is in the public interest


Hows that ?

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Me giving you the information is entirely different to our security services having the ability to see it, and even then I very much doubt that they will look, so I have no worries about people like you getting hold of my private information because of something they do.


You implicitly trust the government and the security services, despite the widespread reporting of the illegal abuse of their surveillance powers... :huh:

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