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Give us your internets or we will kill you!

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The fact is that the security services are doing the job of the armed services and the Police.


What the security services of the west should be doing is working to get the Shia and Sunni populations in the conflict zones to fight each other, at the moment we have failed, in Afghanistan and Iraq we lost. We lost for the same reason we lost in Vietnam, Politicians were not prepared to take the dirty actions needed to win.

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The fact is that the security services are doing the job of the armed services and the Police.


What the security services of the west should be doing is working to get the Shia and Sunni populations in the conflict zones to fight each other, at the moment we have failed, in Afghanistan and Iraq we lost. We lost for the same reason we lost in Vietnam, Politicians were not prepared to take the dirty actions needed to win.




some people have a weird idea of lost.






"Iraq invasion was about oil



Maximising Persian Gulf oil flows to avert a potential global energy crisis motivated Iraq War planners - not WMD or democracy"

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Me giving you the information is entirely different to our security services having the ability to see it, and even then I very much doubt that they will look, so I have no worries about people like you getting hold of my private information because of something they do.


No it isn't. You really are very naive about this stuff.

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some people have a weird idea of lost.






"Iraq invasion was about oil




Maximising Persian Gulf oil flows to avert a potential global energy crisis motivated Iraq War planners - not WMD or democracy"


What happened in Iraq is history, what matters is the future, we cannot end this danger to our cities and people unless we tackle the Muslim conflict between Shia and Sunni, my point about losing the Iraq/Afghan war is that in order to win you have to entirely subjugate the loser to your will, either by overwhelming defeat (second world war) or winning hearts and minds (Malaya).


Unless we divert huge resources to the conflict zones and are prepared to remain there indefinitely we cannot hope to enforce peace. To weaken the protagonists we should encourage them to fight each other, to weaken them and when they have spent blood and treasure to such an extent they are worn out we can then impose our will, and peace, on them.


In other words let them get on with it, use the intelligence services to forment the conflict.

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Is there any evidence or believe that the Paris attack was a FF operation. I've seen nothing credible.


There is sufficient information on the internet to give credence to the argument the Paris incident was a false flag one.


As there is for 9-11 and of course 7-7 and some others.


Our government also wants MORE control of the internet; whether or not you find that is also food for thought is something only you can decide for yourself.


Some people will dismiss all these as conspiracy theories.


Labelling something a conspiracy theory is one way dicrediting something with the minimum of effort and without providing evidence that may be refuted. A simple tactic and has proved to be very effective on the simple.


For example in the paris incident there is allegedly a lack of proof that the now dead perpetrators were even at the site of the incident at the time.



I freely admit I do find these things interesting though of course I would never doubt the official line.




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There is sufficient information on the internet to give credence to the argument the Paris incident was a false flag one.



There is also sufficient information on the internet to give credence to those that need the credence that Elephants were Gods, or shape-shifting reptilian aliens control Earth.


Now EVIDENCE is a slightly more difficult a concept to grasp for the conspiratorially inclined.

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There is sufficient information on the internet to give credence to the argument the Paris incident was a false flag one.





As believed by the muppets on the David Icke Forum who believe the Glasgow bin lorry crash (and everything else for that matter) was staged :cool:

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