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Ostend holidays


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Aged 16, I went with my big brother on an S.U.T. holiday in 1964 - a week in sunny Ostend (except that it rained 3 days out of 6 though not heavily). But the beer was good and so was the welcome from friendly Belgians. The coach took us to Manchester Airport and then we flew in an elderly piston-engjined plane operated by Eros. The plane was so old, one man told me he was sitting next to the rear gunner but I didn't believe him..:P It wasn't pressurised (barley sugar to suck before takeoff to make you swallow - the "good old days"). Got a train to Ghent for the day; spent Tuesday (I think) on the beach as it was nice and sunny. Went by coach to Brussels on the Thursday. A very nice holiday - I even kept the brochure. .:)

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