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Is Tony Blair the most hated since Thatcher.

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Not necessarily oh intelligent one, there is strong evidence that Shakespeare did not, in fact write the plays that were attributed to him. Certainly some of the great Shakespearian actors do not think that his are the work of one man.


Therefore Diana wins as she definitely existed.


Hows about that then?


Yes some think that Christopher Marlowe may have written the plays. But it's conjecture.


Anyway, Mister M is a real person. Xenia/ Clegane/ Hillpig/ Alan Ladd are usernames of the same person. Therefore Mister M wins ;)

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And what? There's nothing in the socialist handbook, if there is such a thing, that says they can't/shouldn't do that. Are you then saying there are no poor tories and that the tories should hate the poor?

I am saying that some run with the fox while hunting with the hounds.

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Yes some think that Christopher Marlowe may have written the plays. But it's conjecture.


Anyway, Mister M is a real person. Xenia/ Clegane/ Hillpig/ Alan Ladd are usernames of the same person. Therefore Mister M wins ;)


Earl of Essex old duck, close but no cigar. Xenia/used to work here now dead/Clegane (no idea) Hillpig working in Thailand/Burma. Im Alan Ladd.


You lose (mods informed btw).


Irritating isn't it?


---------- Post added 26-01-2015 at 17:06 ----------


What as that got to do with this thread .

As to the Market I was right;)


Don't encourage him, he silly as a tree.

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I never really took to maggie thatcher when we were kids she took our milk off us at school, like many others during her time as pm I was made redundant and work was scarce and many people had a worse time of it than me.


But if maggie and crew had not done all that they did do then we would almost certainly never got out if the recession we had ended up in under labour.


Nor could labour despite the fantasies held by them and those that support them have spent our way out of it much of it on things we did not actually need or want. That approach can never work in the long term.


You don't have to like the conservatives but you do have to admit it is always them that gets us out of the finacial mess labour always gets us into.


And who suffers ... not mps for sure.


If you want to break the cycle then don't expect that doing the same thing next election will make any difference.


Labour have failed us repeatedly and consistently and both they and the conservatives have shown they don't actually care about the electorate. lib-dems remain the same as always.. a joke party...


So pick from what is left IF you want to try to break the austerity measures to pay for the things we did not want cycle.



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I never really took to maggie thatcher when we were kids she took our milk off us at school, like many others during her time as pm I was made redundant and work was scarce and many people had a worse time of it than me.


But if maggie and crew had not done all that they did do then we would almost certainly never got out if the recession we had ended up in under labour.


Nor could labour despite the fantasies held by them and those that support them have spent our way out of it much of it on things we did not actually need or want. That approach can never work in the long term.


You don't have to like the conservatives but you do have to admit it is always them that gets us out of the finacial mess labour always gets us into.


And who suffers ... not mps for sure.


If you want to break the cycle then don't expect that doing the same thing next election will make any difference.


Labour have failed us repeatedly and consistently and both they and the conservatives have shown they don't actually care about the electorate. lib-dems remain the same as always.. a joke party...


So pick from what is left IF you want to try to break the austerity measures to pay for the things we did not want cycle.




You make a lot of sense sir. We are in a much better place than we were and it makes sense to let Cameron have another 5 years.


After that who knows, all governments run out of steam. At the moment the Tories are doing much better than anyone expected. Let them get on with it.


---------- Post added 29-01-2015 at 18:31 ----------


Attlee. Did more to improve the quality of life of more people in the UK than any PM before or since.


[i note that it's been commented that he left the country "skint". In fact, per capita nominal GDP was £202 when he took office in 1945, and £294 when he left office in 1951. Real per capita GDP had also gone up, by about 10%.


Likewise, the national debt (Public Net Debt) was 2.16 times GDP in 1945, reducing to 1.75 times in 1951. This reducing trend continued right up until 1992, during the Major government, give or take a couple of minor blips in the late 70s/early 80s.


Source: http://www.ukpublicspending.co.uk/]


Very well researched, isn't Google wonderful! To further your efforts you may wish to explain why it was that after all this his party was dumped?


Attlee was a good man, a patriot. As where some of his colleagues, when you compare the Labour front bench today what a let down, not fit to tie Attlees bootlaces.


However, the record is not good compared to Thatcher, three straight election wins, and without going over old ground an exemplary record in doing what had to be done.


I would place Attlee second though.

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