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Is Tony Blair the most hated since Thatcher.

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What's that supposed to mean?

There is an old saying that some people are born with a silver spoon in their Gob.

Royalty , Landed Gentry, Public Schoolboys etc, Cameron and co fit the bill so does Blair and now his kids [one of who is now being groomed for a Labour seat in Parliament . You could't make it up could you.

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Lady Thatcher was our best prime minister since Churchill . Blair wasnt fit to wipe her boots.


The miners winge about Thatcher but what they forget is that they were given the best redundancy packages ever given to the normal working man,before or since.


I know one that got a lump of £40,000 who then gave up his council house,which he could have bought outright for £1500 and spent £11,000 on a big house. The £40,000 was far from the end of the story though and to this day is still living a life of luxury as a result.

He hates her lol.

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If you start at Thatcher there isn't exactly a lot of competition is there? Thatcher, Major, Blair, Brown, Cameron.


I'd happily nominate Neville Chamberlain who sleepwalked into all of Hitler's traps and managed to not appoint Churchill as secretary of defence and instead appointing a scapegoat apologist who was only there to appease Labour voters.

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Well at least Cameron and IDS, Do not pretend to be ow't else but part of the silver spoon ruling classes.


In response to questions in the house about his own privileged background and his lack of compassion for those in poverty, IDS claimed that he knows what it is like to be out of work. What he didn't say was that he married into nobility and that he lives in a country house belonging to his father in law.

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IM not sure I understand the difference,but what I do know,i want part of nether.

did you have a point or was you just venting as a relief to your under achieved life?


I have had a great life thanks and I have more than an NVQ, I am retired with funds made from living and working all over the world so I have a broader view of life and the world than you.

Edited by Blackbeard
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