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Plain packaging for tobacco..on its way

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I have some advice for you Tim.


Just stop.


It really is that easy. Don't light the next one and go from there.


I frequently do ;) I don't smoke on holidays with my wife, not an issue at all, it is when I am back into a work pattern that I find it impossible to stop. Anyway, I will stop regardless, a history of heart trouble in the family says I have to.

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I frequently do ;) I don't smoke on holidays with my wife, not an issue at all, it is when I am back into a work pattern that I find it impossible to stop. Anyway, I will stop regardless, a history of heart trouble in the family says I have to.


Good luck with it.


I'm loving being smoke free.

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If you didn't know by now, apparently fags are bad for you. Now plain packaging will be brought in.



Nanny state?


Not that I care, my job depends on cig smuggling from the continent so I'm sorted.


I will have to ask the bloke i buy my Bacca from if he is also going to abide by the new law and sell his in plain packaging. :)

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I will have to ask the bloke i buy my Bacca from if he is also going to abide by the new law and sell his in plain packaging. :)


I thought that you hated criminals.

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The criminals where tobacco is concerned are the thieving Taxmen, so im not going to pay £15 for a pouch of bacca when i can pay £7 , and keep the taxmans thieving hands off the other £8.


Ah. A moral relativist.


How very retro.


Any other laws that you choose to ignore?

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If packaging means nothing why is vast amounts of money spent designing the packaging?


I remember reading or hearing somewhere that the majority of the tobacco brands "look" and "advertising" was geared towards attracting new smokers as opposed to stealing smokers away from other brands. So maybe the thought process is that this move may take away part of the process of attracting new smokers.


The packaging is part of the brand which is created by the advertisers, and don't under estimate the power of advertising, it is a finely tuned science that has had billions of pounds of investment.

Agree about the power of advertising...

"Head rush....a tear ...help Brian".

Brilliant advert and will be remembered by many when looking for insurance.

Can't wait to see the follow up......


Plain packaging....I don't see how it will make any difference.


The other (soon to be law from October) idea of no smoking in a car if children are present is just common sense, and already adopted in other countries.

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Think I read that the banning of smoking in your privately owned car comes into force this coming October, is that meddling too much?


Widely "spammed" (for want of a better word) as such.

The BBC have reported it correctly as "when children on board".

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