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Plain packaging for tobacco..on its way

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What a measly manner of existence you have.


Time to get that emery board to the nails Alice.


What psy says is correct, fake cigarettes are usually cut, in other words, they don't just use tobacco or use tobacco that isn't deemed good enough quality by the big manufacturers.

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Time to get that emery board to the nails Alice.


What psy says is correct, fake cigarettes are usually cut, in other words, they don't just use tobacco or use tobacco that isn't deemed good enough quality by the big manufacturers.


You know what? I really cannot sum up any sympathy for smokers who are ripped off by being sold illicit/fake tobacco products. If they do not buy their fix from a reputable outlet, more fool them. They get what they deserve. More fool the smoker who knowingly buys smuggled fags...it's their funeral. Unless perhaps the tobacco-light/tobacco free fags aren't as toxic as the real thing? In which case, the irony is amusing.


My incredulity was specifically directed at someone who claims to have taken apart 'thousands' of cigarettes over the years. Life's too short.

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You know what? I really cannot sum up any sympathy for smokers who are ripped off by being sold illicit/fake tobacco products. If they do not buy their fix from a reputable outlet, more fool them. They get what they deserve. More fool the smoker who knowingly buys smuggled fags...it's their funeral. Unless perhaps the tobacco-light/tobacco free fags aren't as toxic as the real thing? In which case, the irony is amusing.


My incredulity was specifically directed at someone who claims to have taken apart 'thousands' of cigarettes over the years. Life's too short.


And that is reason to tell someone they lead a measly existence? :hihi:


Just to clarify, I don't think Psynuk was asking for sympathy, in fact, I would guess he couldn't care less!

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That might explain the waste of his life taking cigarettes apart to try to work out what is inside them...


Well I didn't do it so perhaps, decades in the future I might have some knowledge to argue a pedantic point with idiots on the internet.


Why would you find it incredulous? have you never done anything repeatedly?

oh look thousands of posts ignorantly arguing the toss on the internet, maybe life isn't too short after all?

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