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Event Tickets Scam

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I started a thread a while ago about how tickets for large events had become a total scam and had approx 70% derision from the usual naysayers on here, its interesting that MP Michael Dugher is now highlighting the very same thing and attempting to do something about it.


I may be in the wrong job :hihi:

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What is the scam? Personally, I wouldn't buy from a third party unless there was a genuine reason for sale and the tickets were face value. If you buy from third parties at inflated prices then you're creating a market. I've known people who have been sent fake tickets and not known until they've tried to enter venue. Sellers who defraud in this way need to feel the full weight of the law.

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What is the scam? Personally, I wouldn't buy from a third party unless there was a genuine reason for sale and the tickets were face value. If you buy from third parties at inflated prices then you're creating a market. I've known people who have been sent fake tickets and not known until they've tried to enter venue. Sellers who defraud in this way need to feel the full weight of the law.


I'll explain:


Tickets for a big go on sale at an alloted time


Fans try to buy tickets but cannot get them because the ticket sellers have held tickets back to pass onto secondary sellers that they own


Tickets then go on sale at vastly inflated prices


If they are not sold they are given back to the venue very close to the date of the event and sold at original value


A disgraceful exploitative scam on anybodies terms!!

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This is one thing that always frustrates me. I had to pay £90 for two tickets for a gig in Sheffield a few years ago and the face value was £12


I hate having to give in to touts but if you miss tickets and want to attend a gig then what else can you do.


There needs to be something put in place by ticket vendors to ensure tickets cannot be sold at a greater price.

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This is one thing that always frustrates me. I had to pay £90 for two tickets for a gig in Sheffield a few years ago and the face value was £12


I hate having to give in to touts but if you miss tickets and want to attend a gig then what else can you do.


There needs to be something put in place by ticket vendors to ensure tickets cannot be sold at a greater price.


The problem is mate its the ticket vendors secondary sellers that are selling them at the greater price. Legalised touting.

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The problem is mate its the ticket vendors secondary sellers that are selling them at the greater price. Legalised touting.


Yeah, its crazy that they can do it.


eBay used to be horrendous but they passed it all on to Stub-Hub now.



To above post:

If you don't get the tickets in the original sale - you have to buy from touts or you're missing out on something you want to see.

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What can be so important that its worth 4 or 5 times face value?


I've bought several tickets for concerts through ebay and have only once paid above face value. I paid £1 more for a block of 6 Kylie tickets - but then again i didn't pay any booking fees.

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And that is problem because the touts know you will buy them at inflated prices.




You are creating a market for the people you are complaining about. I've been bitterly disappointed in the past when I've missed out on tickets, but I refuse to line the pockets of these charlatans.

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